PS5 vs XBOX SERIES X !!! (2020年)

PS5 vs XBOX SERIES X !!! (2020年)PS5和Xbox Series X新游戏机将于2020年这个假日季节发布/发布。该视频介绍了主要发行游戏(如Ghost和Halo Infinite)的最新泄漏,规格和官方预告片。我当然会在今年晚些时候取消装箱并做两个控制台的完整评论视频,所以如果您对此感兴趣,请确保您已订阅该频道!因此,全面揭晓就在眼前。…下面的评论,哪个控制台将是王者?


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  1. Ps5. PlayStation has always been easy to navigate and a lot sleeker lookin as they’ve said they won’t be attending E3 I think that shows they really are focused on working on the console.

  2. My daughters play Playstation. My son games on the XBox. I'm Nintendo loyal. Bottomline is that it is going to be a super expensive year for me?

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