Google一直在听吗?Live Test


Google和Facebook即使未打开也能收听并记录对话和音频吗?我在Windows 10 PC上使用Google chrome进行了现场测试,以发现即使关闭浏览器也能为我的麦克风录音,以便更好地定位广告。


  1. Watch the follow-up video here for various reasons that explain this outcome:

    The single biggest flaw in this video is that I am live streaming directly to YouTube which is of course recording and processing the microphone's audio the entire time. More generally I agree with many of you that this was a poorly done experiment and I contaminated the results rather quickly by clicking on that first ad. Whether it was Google, Cortana, malicious adware, or something else is entirely debatable and I of course make no conclusive statements about the veracity of my results.

    For a much more rigorous and scientific test watch this guy's video:

  2. It happens me the same a feo days ago.

    I was lístening músic with My girlfriend and i told her that i wanted to buy an Guitar and then BOOM an ad from Marshall guitars

  3. I was talking about google listening us for ads with my parents and they were not believing that it was a thing. And YT recommended this video to me 2 minutes after my discussion ?

  4. Me: mutes microphone
    Also me: hey Alexa find me a….
    Google: You microphone is muted
    Me: Oh pardon me
    A second later understand what is happening

  5. Tbh this is creepily true… I tried to fool them by talking I love kimetsu no yaiba, and some hoodies and figures are being advertised

  6. I a hundred percent with this because I literally just watched the hobbit on my computer with speakers and so far everything is talking about it so

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