索尼终于在舞台上谈论PlayStation 5和控制器泄漏(PS5新闻)

PS5 CES 2020期间的PlayStation 5新闻(PS5新闻),而我们正在等待PS5图形(下一代图形)ps5游戏,ps5游戏和ps5发行日期(Sony PlayStation 5-PS5游戏)
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有关PS5新闻的更多视频(PlayStation 5新闻):
Godfall PS5-首款PlayStation 5发布游戏展示了下一代图形并展示了Sony的战略:https://youtu.be/A6d8314tYU4

PlayStation 5(PS5)-索尼从Xbox Series X获胜的秘密但显而易见的策略:https://youtu.be/7gmXcMSqfRQ

PlayStation 5已经是必须购买的-我们可以在发布(PS 5)前后期待的惊人PS5游戏:https://youtu.be/9aqWw5RQkwY

PlayStation 5-索尼展示了发布窗口,控制器信息及更多内容! (PS5发布日期-PS 5):https://youtu.be/x9DC3y3pxA4

索尼暗示PlayStation 5的价格,《我们最后的人2》可能不会在2019年发布,更多新闻(PS5新闻):https://youtu.be/WrIgT8-tCA8

PlayStation 5的详细信息-无加载时间,向后兼容,PS5图形及更多内容(PS5新闻):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EHluuSRI6g


  1. They got nothing, otherwise they would have shown already. Probably trying to steal ideas again. And im a ps4 fanboy. I know when people are stalling and when i smell bull. They're def trying to buy time. Watch it launch with all kinds of problems.

  2. Ok I hope Sony is reading this, I’m extremely excited about the system and the games especially the exclusives. I really want Sony to know that a guy like me uses his PlayStation for various reasons other than gaming, such as streaming as a matter of fact it’s all I use when my tv is on. My advice is to come up with software that makes it easier for streaming apps, user friendly and attractive, the Hulu app needs to be able to support live streaming, Apple TV plus should be on the PlayStation. I’d also would like to see a Facebook app, social media is here and has been here for the past 15 years so why is there no Facebook app on my PlayStation. Basically I never want to have to turn off my ps4 to get to another application. Sony is could really benefit with integrating their software with others, so I can go from one application to another seamlessly without having to close the other. Just pick up where I left off, also adding a voice assistant like Alexa or Siri to turn on and off the system would be nice.

  3. For the love of baby Jesus…please do a prestige controller. After playing with Astro c40 and scuf..the ps4 controller feels like damn toy for a toddler..

  4. Isn't it enough to be able to play video games?? I mean seriously what was wrong with PS2,3,& now 4?? It Clearly seems like consumers like consuming well polished terds

  5. Guys dont get to hyped about raid tracing as when its turned on it can put lot stress on gpu and fps can drop this has happened on the geforce rtx range graphics card i hope sony done their homework on that feature and made sure that does not become a problem

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