Unc0ver A12和A13的越狱iOS 13.3更新! (越狱iOS 13-13.3支持及更多)

新的越狱iOS 13-A13和A13上Unc0ver的iOS 13.3越狱更新。取得了巨大进展。 A12和A13越狱状态检查器这里:https://besttechinfo.com/jailbreak-ios-13-a13/?

❤️降级或更新到iOS 13.3:

A12-A13越狱iOS 13和越狱iOS 13.3更新!这是黑客pwn20wnd的最新消息:它们现在具有几乎所有A12和A13设备的抵销价格,他具有固定的系统范围注入功能,并且Cydia在iPhone 11 Pro Max上运行。

新的unc0ver越狱功能将在iPhone 11 Pro Max,iPhone 11 Pro,iPhone 11,iPhone XS Max,iPhone XS,iPhone XR和A12 iPad机型上越狱iOS 13至iOS 13.3。 A11及更低版本目前具有越狱iOS 13的功能,但也应该通过此新的unc0ver获得支持,以进行完全半不受限制的iOS 13越狱-敬请期待。

此unc0ver更新可能仍需要一段时间才能发布。没有预计到达时间,但越来越近了。请耐心等待,我们很快就会在iOS 13-13.3上实现首次A12和A13越狱!

— — — — — Checkra1n iOS 13越狱保护范围— — — — —

▶︎A11越狱iOS 13.3.1教程:

▶︎如何在Apple Store上越狱(如果您使用Windows)!

▶︎如何越狱iOS 13:


▶︎Checkra1n Windows越狱状态检查器:

iOS 13 Jailbreak for Windows Released Yet? Status Checker

--- --- --- --- ---有用材料的结尾--- --- --- --- ---

** YouTube:根据DMCA,越狱是100%合法的行为。讨论iOS更新是合法的。 **



  1. Will unc0ver eventually be released for 13.3.1 and devices below A12 & A13 devices (I have an iPhone X). I have a windows PC so I'm unable to use checkra1n.

  2. I’m not able to jailbreak my phone yet, but when I do the first tweak I’m downloading is the one that stops the popup to update my iOS…

    Please what’s the name is this tweak?!?!

  3. So I’m new to this I have a Xs that I found, but it’s lock by the iCloud does that update helps me get in da phone without me putting the iCloud password?

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