紧急!越狱iOS 13-13.3 Unc0ver:立即更新/降级到iOS 13.3! (iOS 13.3.1或更旧的版本)

越狱iOS 13.3紧急通知!从iOS 13.3.1降级到iOS 13.3或从13.0-13.2.3尽快更新到iOS 13.3到A12-A13上具有Unc0ver for iOS 13.3的越狱iOS 13!状态检查器:https://besttechinfo.com/jailbreak-ios-13-a13/?

现在更新/降级到iOS 13.3!没错,在特殊情况下,我们必须在Apple仍在对该固件进行签名的同时将设备安装在iOS 13.3上。一旦Apple停止对其进行签名,我们将无法进行签名。为什么在iOS 13.3上如此重要?每个固件/设备都必须采用主要的漏洞利用方法,因此几乎不可能使它在所有设备/固件组合中均能正常工作。幸运的是,我们现在知道这将肯定会在Apple仍在对该固件进行签名的情况下越狱iOS 13.3。浪费时间,现在就开始使用iOS 13.3!

从以下位置下载iOS 13.3 IPSW:

专用的iOS 13降级指南:

重申一下,将以unc0ver的形式进行半无限制的iOS 13越狱。它将支持新设备。越狱所需的主要利用方法现已发布。需要花费时间进行更新。保持耐心。尽快上iOS 13.3!

— — — — — Checkra1n iOS 13越狱保护范围— — — — —

▶︎A11越狱iOS 13.3.1教程:

▶︎如何在Apple Store上越狱(如果您使用Windows)!

▶︎如何越狱iOS 13:


▶︎Checkra1n Windows越狱状态检查器:

iOS 13 Jailbreak for Windows Released Yet? Status Checker

--- --- --- --- ---有用材料的结尾--- --- --- --- ---

** YouTube:根据DMCA,越狱是100%合法的行为。讨论iOS更新是合法的。 **



  1. So why can’t they Jailbreak newer versions ?but I thought they said they will be able to Jailbreak any versions,Just lies and bullshit..

  2. i tried t downgrade from 13.4 to 13.3 but having this error "The ipad "ipad" could not be updated. Declined to authorize this image on this device for this user" i tried to fix it thru terminal but i can't can u please make a video to downgrade.. thnx

  3. So, iOS 12.4 Jailbreak stopped working practically last week for me… just saw Pwn's tweet yesterday and tried to upgrade immediately to 13.3………

    Apple just unsigned it 3 days ago…. I just need to switch to Android. I'm so sick of this shit.

    Besides the looks of iPhones, the software is absolute garbage if not Jailbroken. FML

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