


  1. I used to think Brad Pitt was a good actor, but since His MAGAjesty Oink Lardsquirts, President of the United Shtaytes of Amaralago pointed out at one of his WWF style Nuremburg Bund Type Hillbilly rallies that Pitt is a "little wiseguy" I've of course changed my opinion. /s /s /s

  2. Worked very hard and definitely deserved an Oscar previously, my favourite of his is Seven. Although, I believe Al Pacino should have won this particular award

  3. it is nice to see how big stars like Brad Pitt are so emotionally touched, when they finally get the credit and approval, they came for. Brad talks straight from the heart, showing his weakest part with no chances to hide it and that's what make stars like him so sweetly and adorably human.

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