越狱iOS 13-13.3漏洞发布! iPhone 11版Unc0ver-XS即将推出! (没有iOS 13.3.1)

iOS 13.3-iOS 13越狱漏洞发布! Unc0ver将针对A12-A13 iPhone 11,XS,XR及更多版本进行更新!没有越狱iOS 13.3.1。状态检查器:https://besttechinfo.com/jailbreak-ios-13-a13/?

越狱iOS 13漏洞利用!好吧,Brandon Azad做到了,现在可以使用越狱的iOS 13-13.3漏洞了! Pwn现在将开始在iPhone 11、11 Pro,11 Pro Max,iPhone XS Max,XS,iPhone XR等设备上将unc0ver更新为越狱iOS 13.3!尽管他的工作重点将包括支持A12和A13越狱,但它将(最终)包括所有设备。

不在iOS 13.3上吗?运行iOS 13.3.1?您仍然可以降级,请按照此处列出的步骤操作:https://youtu.be/30Nfphcorbk

重申一下,将以unc0ver的形式进行半无限制的iOS 13越狱。它将支持新设备。越狱所需的主要利用方法现已发布。需要花费时间进行更新。保持耐心。

— — — — — Checkra1n iOS 13越狱保护范围— — — — —

▶︎A11越狱iOS 13.3.1教程:

▶︎如何在Apple Store上越狱(如果您使用Windows)!

▶︎如何越狱iOS 13:


▶︎Checkra1n Windows越狱状态检查器:

iOS 13 Jailbreak for Windows Released Yet? Status Checker

--- --- --- --- ---有用材料的结尾--- --- --- --- ---

** YouTube:根据DMCA,越狱是100%合法的行为。讨论iOS更新是合法的。 **



  1. I have a question, I’m on 12.4 and I’m trying to update to 13.3 but when i try to update it says “unable to check for update” what do i do???

  2. So after I have checkra1n , then Cydia, updates to Cydia, respiring to Cydia updates…. then what?
    Do you have a video to show what to do after you have Cydia installed?
    Also if you actually turn off your phone , then back on , Checkra1n is gone , and Cydia does not open , it just closes out …So what’s next to do ? Got a video for next steps?….

  3. All of the Jailbreak video’s that are being released are SOOOOOO confusing man… I got iOS 12.4 unc0ver atm, but I wanna upgrade to the iOS 13 JB, is there a JB released for iOS 13.3 the iphone/s X or XS Max? Also, that’s NON COMPUTER BASED JB.? Since I have both? Someone, ANYONE…PLS LMK.?

  4. I wait for so long to get Jailbreak until now i don't update my Xr.., my current use is ios 12.3.1.., never get Jailbreak

  5. HOW can we install JailBreak utilities, considering Cydia Impactor is broken & all the online sites like iOS Ninja, TweakBox, etc., all have their Certificates Revoked?!?

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