

  1. I think Activision should turn wow to be a bit more pvp focused.

    Cod makes huge margins on pvp based gameplay. Wow is just itching to be modded slightly to take lol and dota2 crown.

  2. Blizzard made Record profits for over a decade. But they cut 800 people leaving a skeleton crew to work on the game , why because Blizzard doesnt give a rats ass about their player base. This is what happens when a game company Blizz sells their souls to corporate suits that dont give a shit about Games/Community/Playerbase and make gaming decisions from a board room…

    As for the gold sellers EZ blizz gets a %

  3. Why don't they fix the problem that if something is designed poorly its some how the players fault and they should be banned for playing the game that blizz has developed!

  4. "Waaaaahhhh I didn't get free loot this weeeeeeeeeeek"

    Jesus fucking christ the wow community has gotten pathetic

  5. Kotick: "We're losing money on all these boycotts! What can we do??"
    Blizz Employee: "So this gold in the auction house has some real-world value in some cases…."
    Kotick: "Beautiful! Take that then. Our shareholders are crying and I need to buy a private island."

  6. But, you guys probably don't now the fact of Blizzard still publishes its own games and their developer's team are not merged with Activision ? I mean, if Blizzard's decision are shitty has you told, that's not Activision fault. And by the way, the 8% of staff's cut not touching developer's team in anyway.

  7. I've been on Wow almost 14 yrs now. I've always pre-paid for upcoming patches/expansions coming out including this latest one "Shadowlands" — however with how Activision has been so
    sloppily running the company now and especially with their greatly reduced concerns in regards to their customers, I must say Shadowlands is the last patch/expansion that I'll pre-pay for…
    Instead I'll leave it come out, wait a few months and see how Activision supports its. To tell you the truth, I'm sitting on the fence of just dropping WoW altogether — why, simple – the continual
    and piss poor customer support/concerns Activision has shown since they took over Blizzard — its pathetic. There are so many more games out there just as good and many if not more
    that are even better than wow. Better graphics, better customer support and often they are free or cheaper than WoW…So yes, it won't take much more than a whisper from Activision to finish
    pushing me over that fence and just dumping WoW altogether. There's my 2 cents worth and I'm echoing the same opinions of my guild members and many, many gaming friends that have
    also been with WoW for quite some time…Its so sad to see a good company being so piss poorly run now — its pretty obvious, greed is playing a big roll. Cut people & support, increase
    micro-selling — all for one thing — to increase profit margins & to try and make up for the business losses they are causing by piss poor management. Being a retired corporate manager
    myself, I've see it happen in a number of companies…..its so sad….

  8. Just like to ask you a question "Bellular" is Blizzard going to complete the New allied Race or not. In other word is there going to be 14 New Allied Race's or not in the following game or last patch Battle of Azeroth.

  9. Banning for anything that's available by normal play in game is seriously f-ed up. They need to implement a check that denies a player access to loot etc.. they shouldn't have. Banning isn't a solution for that.. like.. ever.

  10. Whenever I see someone complaining about a blizzard game all I have on my mind is "Why would you be doing that to yourself?"

  11. Stop saying that the WoW development team is the one who has to deal with this when it's the players who do. Blizzard dug themselves into this hole by selling their soul to the devil. You're a total shill.

  12. i thought the gear dropping from visions was personal because i rarely got gear from it. i wonder if people will receive gear after everything is settled

  13. It's nothing to do with Activision vs. Blizzard. The people who made Blizzard great are gone. Activision and Blizzard are one and the same.

  14. World of Warcraft was Blizzard's golden goose. Then, when Activision merged with Blizzard, they slowly turned the golden goose into a golden fleece, which eventually transformed into being just a plain old fleece. Now the goose's egg laying days are done, the fleece has lost its luster and the source of the magic beans are now just a bunch of bean counters. Blizzard's games are today much like its namesake: cold and uninviting and you want to get as far away from them as possible.

  15. WoW needs to be straight deleted at this point. Moreheim was the last saving grace. He noped tf out – and I have a lot of respect for him for doing so. He clearly didn't want to be a frontrunner for this pos game any longer.

  16. This is just pathetic, years ago i couldn't imagine not playing WOW and other blizzard games, i cant imagine paying a single penny again for any Blizzard/Activision game now.

  17. Can't we just get rid of activision and all their doing and re-hire some of the old devs who actually cared for their players and more so their product? The way blizz devs talked about their game back shortly after the games release was heart warming. Now its just like "Let's check out youtube to find out where blizz fucked up this time."

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