JL Collins:“通往财富的简单之路” |世界银行Google会谈

作者兼金融博客作者JL Collins将他令人耳目一新的独特而平易近人的投资方式带给了Google。


在与Googler Rachel Smith的访谈中,JL Collins讨论了金钱和投资,包括:如何思考金钱和投资以建立财富,如何避免债务,如何简化401(k),403(b),TSP的世界,IRA和Roth帐户,TRF(目标退休基金),HSA(健康储蓄帐户)和RMD(必需的最低分配)。



由Rachel Smith主持。 。

  1. Much gratitude and respect to JL Collins. He has helped me so much! I came across his blog for the first time at age 41. I had no idea about index investing and always thought I needed a manager. Fast forward two years later, I saved up to invest in VTSAX, contribute regularly and transferred my Roth and traditional IRA to Vanguard as well. Thank you, Mr. Collins, for sharing your knowledge, wisdom and experience. You have changed more lives than you know!

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  3. The problem with saying "Indexing gives active pickers an opportunity to beat the market" is it avoids understanding the consequences of Indexing. Yes cool, let's agree active pickers beat the market. But meanwhile, stocks will go up, always, no matter what. Company earnings don't matter. Supply chain doesn't matter. You have 25% of the market investing periodically, automatically. No matter what.

  4. Saying indexing "only accounts for 25% of the market" is really shortsighted considering it went from 0 to 25 in the last decade. No offence, of course.

  5. Investing is the only solution to financial freedom. Facts! Most educated people hires experts on this particular field for advise, Investing with an expert doesn’t just change your financial experience but it helps you get more exposure to easy cash growth!

  6. Disagree with him on international. While you are invested globally by buying American companies, you are still exposed jurisdiction risk. By that I mean, American companies are subject to US Tax, Law, Policy etc. By buying international you diversify some of this away. You are exposed to different jurisdictions which is a good thing. Agree with him on pretty much everything else.

  7. Cheers for this, I been tryin to find out about "wealth increasing books for beginners" for a while now, and I think this has helped. You ever tried – Hiyogan Jenhloe Domination – (just google it )?

    It is a smashing exclusive product for discovering how to gain the mind of a successful millionaire minus the headache. Ive heard some amazing things about it and my co-worker got cool results with it.

  8. JL Collins should narrate audiobooks. But I take issue with his investing advice.

    VTSAX isn't bad, but there are better options. I get the impression neither Collins nor his groupies have done the slightest bit of research on this subject. It's pure herding behavior. Small and mid cap stocks tend to outperform large cap over time, but VTSAX is extremely top heavy with only 5% small and 15% mid.

    Over the last 20 years, 50/50 in VIIIX and VIEIX has outperformed VTSAX. An equal three-way split among VIIIX, VISMX/VCIMX and VSMAX/NAESX (large cap, mid cap and small cap) has outperformed VTSAX. Run the data on PortfolioVisualizer dot com.

  9. Something important that I haven't heard him talk about is the fact that if people are scared to invest, think about 20 or 30 years from now: If the market is sitting well above what it is now, then we are "low" from that point in the future to this point. However, if the market crashes and stays down, then we are at a high. However, since the opening of the market, it have never NOT recovered, which then leads to an even higher rate than it was. Additionally, there was only one point in history that was bad news for people's investments for anywhere between 10-30 years. Other than that, this is probably the most solid advice on investing!

  10. Once this started I thought… This dude looks and sounds like John Goodman.. Come to find out he talks about him. LOL

  11. JL Collins: "I don't like dollar cost averaging"

    Also JL Collins: "when the market drops you should celebrate because the 1,000 or $10K or whatever you are putting in this month is on sale and I'm getting more shares than I would have otherwise"

    That exactly describes what dollar cost averaging is and why it is recommended.

  12. Hello JLC,
    You are doing a great job in helping so many like me who are novices in investing. Your talk at Google and blogs are convincing me everyday to buy and invest in total stock market index fund. I'm a little late into the game however, I'm 38 and haven't invested in any so far.

    Couple of questions: is it good idea to invest lump sum say like 50k now into total stock index fund and plan to leave it untouched for say 10 years?

    If I keep adding to the pot, would compound interest math still work in multiplying funds over the years? I think if I withdraw any funds from the index fund I'd get hit with penalty…

    Thanks again!

  13. Biggest mistakes when investing
    1. Pick stocks
    2. Pick active investors
    3. Try to time the market, no one knows or can predict it

    Index funds are great
    Don't touch it

    Lose up gains not avoid losses
    Delay risks
    The best time to invest is yesterday and the next time is today

    Key takeaways
    1. Educate yourself
    2. Accept the fact the market is volatile, don't panic, stay the course

    Wealth accumulation vs preservation is cyclical
    Mitigate volatility
    Put money into the market
    VTSX, add during downtime
    Add bonds during the down times

    Financial advisers
    Everyone buys into the idea
    Buy and hold
    Market will buy everything via index funds

    Divesify via Global markets, commodities or bonds

    Emotion less investment
    GM General motors
    Better ways to do it and no government intervention

    Target retirement mutual funds or allocation on your own

    Hands off investment
    Aggressive- go out
    Conservative- go in

    Cheaper to do the allocation your self

    Advisers interests not aligned with your own

  14. Simple is powerful, index fund.
    Rule of 25x or 4% withdrawal

    Blog then book, stock series and posts.
    Book is organized not as organic

    Learn how to invest: trial and error
    Pick stocks or managers.
    Learn from mistakes

    Index fund, start early – Jack Bogle, Vanguard

    Invest in index funds and get average returns. Out perform active managers.

    Be curious, explore and experiment.

    Invest in mf – Which one? How much?
    Letters to my daughter
    Share with others
    Archive the information, reach a broad audience

    What to do
    Wish I knew
    Get started

    100 million dollars, what do you do
    Vanguard total market fund – vtx

    Home ownership
    – Luck
    – not fire

    First home – lifestyle decision not an investment. Know the financial situation, run the numbers

    Failed daughter, simple path to wealth
    Why you need f u money

    Max 401k
    Emergency fund
    Save, check or active managers

    Index funds
    Bond and stock in
    Stock Vtx and S&P 500 fund
    Total bond market funds
    Fidelity and T. Rowell price

    HSA or 529 plans
    Read and learn

    Invest in 401k or IRA buckets
    TSP plan

    Mutual funds are investments
    Expense ratio, lowest ones to focus on

    Manage your own investment
    Use the simple way.

  15. Wow I love listening to this guy and I never heard of him prior to watching this video. He's so calm and father like. It's so rare to hear financial advice from a FI person who doesn't have any agenda to gain from it

  16. Talks at Google _ Mr JL Collins _ guys USA educate yourselves/ go to Collins blogs / but he did not mention the web docs as attached _ check that first _ Good luck;
    Please check and review and if you will study as well VERY IMPORTANT / FIRST PRIORITY vs URGENCY_ the attached on line docs _ addresses vs titles shown as follows ; comment ??

    1. @ Banking – the Greatest Scam on Earth.

    2a. @ Fractional Reserve Banking

    2b. @ _ Debt Slavery – The creation of the money supply.

    3. @ The Creature From Jekyll Island | G. Edward Griffin "The Federal Reserve System does NOT need to be audited … … It needs to be ABOLISHED." — G. Edward Griffin — Seven Reasons to ABOLISH The Federal Reserve Banking


    1) It is incapable of accomplishing it's stated objectives.

    2) It is a private cartel, operating against the public interest.

    3) It is the supreme instrument of usury.

    4) It generates our most unfair tax.

    5) It encourages war.

    6) It destabilizes the economy.

    7) It is an instrument of totalitarianism.

  17. Talks at Google _ Mr JL Collins _ well said "" Time in the Market is more powerful than trying to time ?? the market "" ; etc etc ; you guys still miss the core errors at displays but not discussed WHAT and WHY ?? check these web docs and advise comment ;

    Please check and review and if you will study as well VERY IMPORTANT / FIRST PRIORITY vs URGENCY_ the attached on line docs _ addresses vs titles shown as follows ; comment ??

    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9IH-XKQpOI&t=170s _ Banking – the Greatest Scam on Earth.

    2a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWl7Mb49vSk _ Fractional Reserve Banking

    2b. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJSxmHOSbLc  _ Debt Slavery – The creation of the money supply.

    3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Kt2De98Bck _ The Creature From Jekyll Island | G. Edward Griffin "The Federal Reserve System does NOT need to be audited … … It needs to be ABOLISHED." — G. Edward Griffin — Seven Reasons to ABOLISH The Federal Reserve Banking


    1) It is incapable of accomplishing it's stated objectives.

    2) It is a private cartel, operating against the public interest.

    3) It is the supreme instrument of usury.

    4) It generates our most unfair tax.

    5) It encourages war.

    6) It destabilizes the economy.

    7) It is an instrument of totalitarianism.

  18. Years ago, I read "The Millionaire Next Door". It was a statistical study of millionaires. It said most people who became millionaires did it through real estate. There have been times when real estate in this country appreciated dramatically. So if you were sitting on ten acres where they built a highway – all of a sudden you were rich. But the other reason people became millionaires was they DIDN"T SPEND THEIR MONEY. The average millionaire didn't drive a luxury car. If you make a decent salary, buy a house, pay off the mortgage, and save and invest instead of spending frivously you will be a millionaire before you retire. One of the examples in the book was if you invest $4 a day instead of spending on a daily latte, in forty years, you will be $50,000 richer.

  19. So my question is, if i max out my IRA fine for the year (and should that just be invested in the index funds?) should i also then invest cash in a separate account as well?

  20. Great Video and lovely Channel, Personally I would say a very simple path to achieve Wealth and financial freedom is through investing! I made my first million dollars of my stock investment with the help of a financial executive Mr Wilson McEntee. Mr Wilson has really changed my life with his investing and trading skills!

  21. I disagree that home ownership is a bad investment. Home ownership is where America's wealth is stored. However, it is important to think about resale value and what the market would want re: home as investment. Perfect advice otherwise.

  22. Probably great advice for SJ's and SP's personality types, this guy is an ISTP, he's 100% about security. This struck me most on his comments about holding Google stock or not. He's probably spent a lifetime watching people use their gut to make it rich and he considers it more lottery than skill. NJ's and NF's and NT's see patterns that sensors don't. When you've matured your intuition, gut, and knowledge your risks pay greater. Seems like he has sound advice for people wanting the simple path he's talking about. But if you consider yourself an intuitive trust your instincts, they pay dividends.

  23. If renting were cheaper than owning, nobody would rent out their properties. It is by definition more expensive, otherwise there'd be no profit for the landlord, straight-up. It's that simple. The cost of your roof / fridge / etc. is all included in that equation. You're paying all of that PLUS profit, so why would you do that

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