布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)在衷心的奥斯卡颁奖典礼上感慨万千

对于布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)来说,2020年的颁奖季是令人兴奋的一年,我们不仅在谈论他在SAG颁奖典礼上与珍妮弗·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)的狂欢聚会。在2020年奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,皮特(Pitt)因在好莱坞电影《曾几何时》中的角色而获得了奥斯卡最佳男配角奖。当他上台接受荣誉时,他发表了一次真正的厚脸皮和由衷的讲话,彼特在讲话中引用了唐纳德·特朗普总统的弹each程序。皮特开始了,

“他们告诉我,我在这里只剩45秒了,这比参议院本周给予约翰·博尔顿多45秒。我在想昆汀 [Tarantino] 拍一部电影。最后,成年人做正确的事。”


“我有点傻乎乎。我不是一个回头的人,但这使我这么做了。我在想我的乡亲带我去开车兜风去看Butch [Cassidy] 和 [the] 圣丹斯 [Kid] 装上我的车,然后搬到这里,去Geena [Davis] 和里德利 [Scott] 给我第一枪,我一路走到现在站在这里遇到的所有奇妙的人。从前在好莱坞,那不是事实。”



布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)赢得奥斯卡奖后,在后台遇到了一个有关儿子玛多克斯(Maddox)的问题,演员与前妻安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)分享了这个儿子。据称,这对父子在过去的几年中关系紧张,但据报道,为了与长子共度时光,皮特跳过了英国电影电视艺术学院奖。



观看视频,了解布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)在发自内心的奥斯卡颁奖典礼上如何激发情感。



皮特的大儿子| 1:07
现实生活中的童话| 2:30

  1. Lowest ratings in Oscars history because they just can't stop lecturing us. If I wanted to attend a democratic convention I would. The reason to watch an awards show is to see who wins awards not to get a lecture about how we should all think and live from a wealthy spoiled democratic hack. The idiot doesn't even know how impeachment works.

  2. He needs to shut up about our president. Pitt has enough skeletons in his closet he should not be bashing anyone. Trump is innocent but constantly slandered by Brad Pitts Illuminati bosses. Trump put China in check and pretty sure studio execs like Bob Igor are not happy about that. Trump 2020 and beyond❤️Trump works a lot harder than you Brad.

  3. What I learned from this video:

    Brad Pitt looks homeless when he grows a beard and looks like a completely different person with no beard.

  4. "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood ain't that the truth"
    Sounded a as scripted as him again saying "Leo I'll ride your coattails anytime"…. he IS an actor.
    Part about his kids sounded more sincere

  5. Bugger off Brad and all your show pony fake friends in the movie business….you haven't a clue what you are all talking about… Australia

  6. OMG… Brad pitt does not like our President. Perhaps I should vote for one of his guys a Radicial socialist America hating democrat… Thanks BRAD, handsome and smart. Wow.. what a combo…..
    KOOL-AID sipping CLOWN..

  7. Brad, the oscars gave you the award simply because you can’t act, hell you can’t even keep your 2 spouses, so shut up and keep politics out of your speech.

  8. He was so yummy when he took off his shirt. And for all you jealous me, yeah, he’s over 50! Lawdy! Glad to see him finally comfortable in his own skin, not shying away from accolades that include his good looks and charm as well as his acting.

  9. hey Brad .. just like the 45 seconds denied to OUR President, his legal team, the REPUBLICAN members of their own United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, EVEN the Fake News!! .. denied the 45 seconds to hear AND cross examine witnesses, affidavits, documents pertaining (we still waiting on that 18th unreleased by Schiff transcript) while the DemonRats HID OUT behind CLOSED and GUARDED DOORS under the House's cafeteria basement!! Just remember Brad, the next time you are in court … again, and you're wanting ALL to be heard and seen as part of your own defense … DENIED .. your 45 seconds, DENIED!! … karma can be a real bitch!!
    ~ Hey Brad, you fu*kin' pond scum!! I'm going with Trump … AGAIN!! ~
    * The TIME for the Second American Revolution is NOW!! – TRUMP 2020 *
    ~ Arming myself with words, deeds, the First Amendment and THE TRUTH ……. and if need be, with my LAWFUL RIGHTS guaranteed by the 2d Amendment!! ~

  10. hey Brad .. just like the 45 seconds denied to OUR President, his legal team, the REPUBLICAN members of their own United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, EVEN the Fake News!! .. denied the 45 seconds to hear AND cross examine witnesses, affidavits, documents pertaining (we still waiting on that 18th unreleased by Schiff transcript) while the DemonRats HID OUT behind CLOSED and GUARDED DOORS under the House's cafeteria basement!! Just remember Brad, the next time you are in court … again, and you're wanting ALL to be heard and seen as part of your own defense … DENIED .. your 45 seconds, DENIED!! … karma can be a real bitch!!
    ~ Hey Brad, you fu*kin' pond scum!! I'm going with Trump … AGAIN!! ~
    * The TIME for the Second American Revolution is NOW!! – TRUMP 2020 *
    ~ Arming myself with words, deeds, the First Amendment and THE TRUTH ……. and if need be, with my LAWFUL RIGHTS guaranteed by the 2d Amendment!! ~

  11. Ya gotta cow tow to the globalists or your career is over… Brad gave them what they wanted, bare minimum but he had to deliver for that statue….

  12. He is not a role model, anyone to admire, or even a good actor. He is an actor, a pretend guy. He thinks movie sets are real enough to switch actual wives over. What a Hollywood Icon, oops!! I mean loon!! ?

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