PS5跳动! -Playstation 5在CES上失败

索尼CES 2020媒体报道中的PS5公告是一个完整的飞跃!


  1. Hard to tell which is better So far logos aren't important idk why that's a thing lol. But the controller sounds good

  2. I understand people excited for next-gen but sony doesnt need to rush like xbox, they still got bangers coming out still for ps4, xbox need next gen cause X1 been shit this entire generation

  3. I mean who the hell cares really? They will probably show it off within the next two months anyway. It was just a little teaser for now.

  4. I own both a PS4, an Xbox one and a pc so for me personally I think fanboys fighting back and forth about which is better is retarded. I personally think they don’t have much yet and I’d fear that they may rush production and I see launch issues in the future.

  5. Sonys PS5 name 'reveal' – what a joke. Pathetic,and insulting to anyone wanting actual information.
    Sony should have showed/talked zero about the PS5 – until they have something substantial.

    Phil Spencer's twitter profile pic alone showed far more infomation.

  6. I like how Sony/Playstation keeps patting themselves on the back yet, their top of the line PS4 Pro runs RDR2 worse then the Xbox One X. Like seriously Sony 'We did so well, but can't get our game to run at 30fps on a console on par with the X'. And no I'm not brand loyal, I play what ever has games I like with the best performance.

  7. I want to see finally a short Demo from Sony or MS,how next gen graphics will look like!But real ingame graphics,not in- engine shit.

  8. PS fans: 'it doesn't matter at this stage what the graphics are, long as games are still good!'
    Nintendo fans: 'we've been trying to tell you that for years you idiots'

  9. Sony has steadily put information out for a few months. Last generation they released the most information in February at a dedicated event which Microsoft also did not long after. I mean, I get that you need to get the most baity title/video out there but come on, my dude. PS2…Ps3…Ps4…and now the PS5 were never detailed at CES. You can get mad all you want, based on your pinned comment, but you're acting phony here.

    Also, the sales numbers doesn't even backup your assertion that Sony's numbers make them scared.

  10. Haha you absolutely nailed it.
    I have a PS right now but that means nothing. I choose the better product for me and we will see what it will be.

  11. I just hope Sony makes us something other than a 3rd action adventure game that lasts 20-30 hours they keep regurgitating the same game to us with a different skin and story

  12. I don't see how holding your cards close to your chest is a flop. Microsoft revealed everything, what the console looks like, some exclusives, etc. And it got people talking for awhile. But I don't see too many people doing that anymore. Wonder why…

    Bc there's no built up hype when you just release it all. People are constantly posting videos about the PS5 on YouTube still.

  13. i think sony is waiting for xbox to show stuff about the new xbox so they know what people want and don't want, like what happened to the xbox one we all know ps4 had the same no share and drm blurays that only allows you to download the game but when they saw people hated that with the xbox one sony used it to say look people we're not doing that shit.

  14. I'm so glad I don't have to sit through things like this anymore (I stopped writing about video games many years ago). As a consumer, which is all I am at this point, I get to don't give a shit until the games arrive and then just play the ones I fancy and that's the end of it. Make some gaeming and having a nice cupper of the beerdrink. 🙂

    I hope they give you something to work with for the next video on this topic!

  15. This reveal of a logo actually scared the hell out of me: that was exactly the they type of crap old, PS3 gen Sony would’ve done.

  16. I am a PC gamer and I am not buying a console.

    That being said, I think last gen was Sony’s, this gen can be Xbox’s round. Based on all the leaks we know so far, Xbox has the edge in performance. And game pass is a game changer. I tried it last year on PC before it was rebranded, and the value you get with it just gets better and better as they add new content

  17. As a nintendo fanboy. Im gonna sit on the sides n enjoy the show. N when a game comes out that i wanna play with my brother. Ill get whatever he has

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