INFINITE合并愿景和腐败的Memento农业|补丁8.3 WOW指南

方法恐怖视觉指南: = pt3i7kdaB0Q

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  1. Fun detected. It was patched several days ago, you lose sanity faster the longer you stay, npc can not keep up. (inb4 title never changes for clickbait views)

  2. It was questions been bugging me and I'm hoping that you can respond in a reasonable time. I'm actually trying to form a group for this event, but I can't seem to get the words right or where to look. How do you go about that?

  3. Patch notes 8.3.1: "We felt like some players were progressing too fast. Too improve the casual player's experience, Mobs in Visions of N'zoth no longer drop Coalescing Visions and Corrupted Mementos and the rate of Sanity loss was increased by 100% in Visions of N'zoth."

  4. A much better way to have real infinite mementos : It works only in the vision in Pandaria. When its over, you dont have any sanity enough, accept to get back. When MOTHER tell you that shes going to tp you, do alt F4, close the game, wait a few, and launch the game. Youre in the vision, with no time limits.

  5. I think that the last method isn’t possible due to the fact that if a party tag something it will become gray and won’t loot for other player/group(if I am not mistaken)

  6. 0:38 sums up the retail community running in a wall not knowing what to do.. ( imagine this footage is in fastfoward ) gg broski nice click bait " INFITE FARMING " "THIS METHOD ISN'T INFINITE"

  7. Hey man, really nice video, i'm looking for an elvUI that looks clean as yours, u guys have any recommendations? i play fury warrior dps on high m+ keys

  8. I actually can't imagine what the hell did they do to this game? I don't want freaking Classic+ NO.. I want the old actual game that I used to Love, Like BC/Wotlk… pure 1 raid difficulty – get the best gear in game BIS smoke kids in BGS/Arena.. Show off your fancy gear that no one can get/ilvl… They destroyed that thing – they turned the game into a Asian MMO farming non stop almost like Diablo.. RIP my old game that I felt in love with.

  9. It's actually not that hard to get 3. Black Empire Assault(1x/week, 10k), 2 Faction Assaults (2x/week, 11k), Mini-Visions (7x/week, 8k), 1k from dailies (don't even have to do all of them every day). Probably don't even have to kill all the rares and chests etc

  10. They already patched this. The debuff you get comes rapidly now (within 15-20 mins), got a debuff that reduced my damage and rapidly drained my sanity.

  11. Love your videos WTBgold; This is good for the rest of the goodies but Trucidar is correct that Blizzard is Timegating the Cloak upgrades. Up to rank 5 can be done asap, rank 6 and up will only allow you to upgrade your cloak Once a week up to rank 15. So this method wont help in the actual "Rank" upgrades after rank 5.

  12. The farming inside is boring as fuk, besides the amount of currency drop is pathetic (time vs drop), not to mention they put time gate on top of everything which limits when and how many levels you can upgrade ur cloak… unless you got no better thing to do in ur life…complete the daily n gtfo asap…

  13. I ran around doing this today, before watching this video, and can pretty comfortably say that this does not work anymore. I found this out day 2 and decided to do it yday and today as well. But I lasted around 15 mins today instead of the 40 mins on Friday because I simply depleted my sanity bar too quick. So seems to have been hotfixed.

  14. There is also a weekly cap on gear from the Horrific vision as well, 420 for killing Thrall/Alleria, 430 killing both moderate bosses and Thrall/Alleria, 440 for full clear. One piece per week for each lvl.

  15. What dose he mean no life to get 3 ? Weekly Assault (10k ) + 2 mini assaults (5.5k) + daily vision (8k) = 29k. You barley have to do any more content to get a third most people will easily get 3 – 3.5 on their mains a week without farming.

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