iPhone 12-新的显示更改即将到来!

EP 931-iPhone 12-新的显示更改即将到来!
根据新的iPhone 12泄漏,我们将在今年的iPhone中获得重要的改变。本集由达什兰赞助!

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  1. The fact they still have a notch in 2020 is classic Apple laziness. Samsung has phones for £150 that only have a 2mm cutout.

  2. This guy doesnt have a clue about tech. So from someone who knows tech whatever phone you want is up to you. If you like simplicity with a very smooth operating system iphone is the way to go. If yoy want a phone thats basically a computer in the palm of your hands. Samsung or Huawei would be your best choice. In laymen terms for you trump supporters samsung Huawei are both v12s the iphone a v6 with bad spark plugs

  3. Ricky Gervais is not funny at all. Like what part of that joke is supposed to garner a laugh. Set-up was weak, delivery was even worse. Everyone laughed because they knew they were supposed to laugh at it even if it wasn't actually funny. He makes jokes that people force themselves to laugh at because they know he's supposed to be a comedian. Reminds me of Russel Brandt.

  4. Sooooo about that screen's drop integrity. I mean its gonna be thinner right, what that damage control gon be like, cause I've seen some Apple watch accidents and the aftermath is not pretty.

  5. (Apple) Instead of a $1500 paper thin phone add some drop protection I like phones where I want a case for it not where I need one for it

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