如何在Minecraft 1.15.2中下载和安装Optifine

想知道如何在Minecraft 1.15.2中下载并安装Optifine吗?如果是这样,这是给您的视频!我会教您在Minecraft中获取Optifine 1.15.2的每一步。从何处下载Optifine到如何在Minecraft 1.15.2中安装Optifine,我们将在本视频中介绍所有内容! Minecraft Optifine将做什么?好吧,它将帮助您消除延迟,获取着色器,增加FPS等。因此,在没有任何延迟的情况下,这是将Optifine添加到Minecraft 1.15.2的方法!

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关于此视频:该视频是我们有关如何在Minecraft 1.15.2中下载和安装Optifine的完整指南。我们向您展示了从如何下载Optifine到如何安装Minecraft Optifine for 1.15.2的所有内容。无论您希望在Minecraft 1.15.2中使用Optifine做什么,该视频都将向您显示执行此操作所需的一切。从在Minecraft 1.15.2中获得着色器,到在Minecraft 1.15.2中停止延迟,甚至仅允许混合纹理,Optifine都可以做很多,这个视频将帮助您完成所有工作!因此,让我们直接了解如何在Minecraft 1.15.2中下载和安装Optifine!

下载Optifine for 1.15.2的第一步是下载它。为了下载Optifine for Minecraft 1.15.2,您需要转到上面描述中的第二个链接。当您单击该链接时,它实际上将带您进入我们的文章,该文章关于将Optifine添加到Minecraft 1.15.2。如果在此视频中安装Minecraft Optifine时速度太快,这可能是一个很好的资源。

不过,一旦您进入我们的网站,请向下滚动并单击绿色的“下载Optifine”按钮。这将带您进入Optifine的官方下载页面。来到这里后,找到“ Minecraft 1.15.2”部分。然后,在此部分下,找到Optifine的最新版本。最后,点击此版本左侧的“镜像”链接。这将带您进入Optifine 1.15.2版本的下载屏幕。此时,您所需要做的就是单击此页面上蓝色的“下载Optifine 1.15.2”链接。执行此操作时,Optifine将开始下载。您将需要保存Optifine for Minecraft 1.15.2。在Google Chrome浏览器上,只需点击左下方的“保持”即可。在Firefox上,可以通过点击屏幕中央弹出窗口中的“保存”来完成。

现在您已经下载了Optifine,是时候安装它了。幸运的是,学习如何在Minecraft 1.15.2中安装Optifine非常容易。您需要做的就是找到您下载的Optifine 1.15.2文件,右键单击它,单击“打开方式”,单击“ Java TM Platform SE Binary”,然后单击“确定”。 Optifine将打开。在Minecraft 1.15.2中安装Optifine所需要做的就是单击此安装程序中的“安装”按钮。完成后,将安装Optifine。完成后,点击“确定”。

您尚未完成。您仍然需要打开Minecraft Launcher,单击播放按钮旁边的小箭头,然后单击“ Optifine”版本。完成此操作后,单击播放,即可打开Optifine for Minecraft 1.15.2!

恭喜!现在,您知道如何在Minecraft 1.15.2中下载和安装Optifine。如果您对获取适用于1.15.2的Minecraft Optifine有任何疑问,请在下面的评论部分中告知我们。如果我们确实帮助您将Optifine 1.15.2添加到Minecraft,请确保对此视频表示赞许并订阅该频道(如果尚未订阅)。它确实帮助了我们,对我来说意味着很多。先感谢您!

注意:以上某些链接是会员链接。如果您访问这些站点并进行购买,我可能会收取给您免费的佣金。 。

  1. Can you advice me where can i download a tons of safe mod website?
    btw thanks for teaching how to download optifine it helps me so much 🙂

  2. OptiFine 1.15.2_HD_U_G1_pre9

    – not working: shaders, antialiasing, anisotropic filtering and render regions

    – fixed Dynamic Lights with Smooth Lighting ON

    – fixed custom sky and fog colormaps

    – fixed Dynamic Lights not illuminating player

    – fixed Dynamic Lights with Smooth Lighting OFF

    – fixed connected glass panes

    – fixed CTM overlays

    – fixed Smart Animations for GUI overlay

    – fixed custom lightmap affecting the GUI

    – fixed disabled fog to affect all entities and block entities

    – fixed option sliders registering outside clicks

    – fixed CEM for baby horse and llama

    – fixed chunks not loading due to configured shaders

    – fixed Random Entities depending on view distance

    – fixed Custom Sky

    – fixed fog in the Nether

    – fixed Smart Animations for entities on fire

    – fixed option Graphics depending on Dropped Items

    – fixed Natural Textures and Better Snow

    – fixed visual artifacts when manually placing blocks

    – fixed buttons in Chat Settings screen

    – fixed render distance above 32

    – fixed lighting of magma blocks

    – fixed handheld item flicker with dynamic lights

    – fixed dynamic lights for block entities and particles

    – updated to 1.15.2

    – not compatible with Forge


  3. it worked fine and all, but
    1: when i came to actually open the version, optifine 1.15.2 wasnt there. 1.12 (i previously installed optifine, just forgot this time) was there. i tried editing it, and creating a new version, but every time it said
    1.15.2 (latest release)
    i scrolled to the bottom, i searched everywhere, it doesnt say optifine anywhere?

    2: BREATHE. I honestly had to put u on a lower speed, talk slower.

  4. Hey guys, Let me save you 11 minutes of rambling.
    1. Download Optifine
    2. Goto your downloads folder
    3. Double click and install it.

    It took him 11 minutes to say that.

  5. When I click the options link on your website it tries to go to the site and then says service unavailable…. any way to fix this? Or another way to do it.

  6. How come when I go to the website it just says "Service Unavailable"? Is anyone else having/had this problem? I've had it for a couple days :p

  7. For some reason the option "Shaders" is available but i can't click on it. I did everything that the video shows but still doesn't work. Does anybody know why?

  8. for some reason when I download optifine and I open my Minecraft launcher I cant find optifine in the installation tab latest release it doesn't show the download. how do I make it so it shows up?

  9. Mine doesn't open or download as java its icon is a white paper and when i click to open through java it says unable to install java, and my java is installed and has the latest update what do i do?

  10. when i download optifine 1.15.2, it comes up as an internet explorer thing instead of a java thing. I have the latest version of java installed too. what do i do?

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