20个破碎的Nintendo Switch Pt 2-我对可修复的数量感到惊讶!

20破碎的任天堂开关Pt 2-我惊讶于有多少个固定的! -我要解决第二组Nintendo Switch维修问题,并尝试修复我以1,815美元购买的20台产品中的8台。这次我研究更多的开关,这些开关由于充电芯片损坏或充电端口损坏而无法充电。我还尝试修复严重液体损坏的产品。从大量的Switch中获利仍然看起来不错,但是您需要继续学习第3部分,以了解如何修复最后几个Switch。


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关于此视频:在此视频中,我尝试修复另外8个Nintendo Switches,其中包括几个不会充电的开关和一个损坏严重的液体。剧透:它们并非都是固定的。但是我能够修理很多,而我无法修理的仍然有一些我可以用来修理其他交换机的好零件。如果您尚未阅读本系列的第1部分,请确保继续阅读,并继续关注第3部分。

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  1. Amazing videos!!!


    May you say the name of current reader, that you used to confirm the current value of Nintendo, in the test fase?

  2. you make me feel inspired, I need to fix a Sata connection of a supply power now, I am on this Pc fix now. And then this afternoon I cleand the ram memory with contacts cleaner and brush, and the computer started. now I have to figure out if the ram memory was dirty or if it is actually damaged.
    This all reminds me of a 2 video cards I had in my old PC, they were nvidia 8400gs. The thing is that they just got wasted with usage, and one day I made the oven test with one of them and all capacitors I think exploded like popcorns. I refused to give up in those years and replaced all the capacitors with new ones, and when there was 1 capacitor left I said "What am I doing, this card is dead, there is no way I am reviving it", and that day I gave up. It is so sad, not because of the video card (low specs even in those days) but because of the symbol that means giving up, failing, not succeeding, letting something die, failing to your hopes.

  3. Curious, if the motherboard is poop and what not but the chips look good, do you remove them and use them on other products or do you have a stack of all of these chips laying around new to replace them with?

  4. dont forget to test if it reads an Sd card, my new switch didnt, so i had to switch out the sd card reader. i reckon a less tech savvy person would sell it as non functioning, maybe?

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