恐怖的愿景:首次运行入门指南(WoW 8.3)





  1. You make it look so easy… I have no problems killing Alleria in Stormwind fairly quickly, but Thrall is a huge problem. He keeps on stunning me all the time, and since my major spells have a long cast time, I cannot do much against him. 4 attempts so far, not been able to get him below 25% before sanity runs out. Pretty sure I won't be able to to a 5 chest run in Orgrimmar – ever. Not going to waste my precious vessels on Orgrimmar anymore, I'll stick to Stormwind.

  2. I thank you very much. The spread sheet that you made is exactly what I needed as a healer main in order to not mess up.
    I did not even kill Alleria on my intro run because I lost sanity during loading and the terrible FPS of this game since lie-gion made it worse.
    Then I watched this the week after, I still failed my first 2 Orgrimmar runs because I was greedy and went straight to Valley of Spirits as off spec Shadow ilvl 445~and underestimated the mobs' HP, their mechanics, CC, and I did not know how to spot Entomophobia, so I lost sanity from being stuck in combat before using 1 or 2 orbs. It made me very mald from wasting 3 vessels so it is a good thing that you mentioned that ranks are time gated anyway.
    After that, I used the orbs like you did, I also pulled the first big mob outside of its corrupted area because I read that it drains less sanity, I do not know if it is still the case. The corrupted affix was still present though.
    So from rank 1 to 5 I kept clearing Valley of Spirits + Thrall. For rank 6, Wrathion asked me to do 1 corrupted area, I was able to know that because he shows where the book when I ask for the map. The good thing that this 5 to 6 run made me realize is that Thrall is not required for that specific upgrade, after attempting the run with 2 corrupted areas and losing my sanity at Thrall. I tried, since the insanity resistance going from 25% to 40% is pretty big. I lost a lot of sanity on the Inquisitor boss because I kept getting stunned by void torrent for unknown reasons so I could not burst his shield, I could not seem to dodge it, also I drank a black bottle, -100 sanity. I will probably be able to do it next time, I might need to use drums on Inquisitor, he seems overtuned. I still got my upgrade to rank 6 in the chest dedicated to the corrupted area (in fact both chests had 1 book but I could only loot one).

  3. As a Healer i HATE doing visions…. pretty much have to be carried by DPS once u get to rank 5 if u want to do any of the sides.
    I really wish they scaled it for the class when solo.

  4. Is there a recommended iLevel and corruption level/amount?

    I’m at iLvl 417 and have 2 corrupted items on my protection warrior but died fairly quick on my first 2 solo horrific visions.

    What am I doing wrong? I don’t want to waste these away.

  5. Do you have the quest active do get the cloak upgrade? I just finished a run and killed Alleria with +4 cloak but I didn't get the upgrade item, I noticed I forgot to grab the quest. Anyone know?

  6. My "main" has 424 i lvl fury warrior lmao. I don't have as much confidence in 2 corrupted areas than most people. (If it isn't clear i'm a super casual player, with too many alts)

  7. this is an mmorpg my man, time gating is bad and for the casual players and time gating on gear cmon now get that shit out of here

  8. Love the vid.
    But, on my Brewmaster monk I was unable to kill Thrall. Ilvl 416, rank 3 from Nazjatar and the one from CoA, rank 2 null.
    Dodged every spellcast but still died. Any ideas of what i might do wrong?

  9. At later weeks you will need multiple runs per week, so having less vessels at that time because you failed, will make you fall behind. What you think of this?

  10. Can someone explain to me how I managed to kill Thrall on my first attempt, somehow die to the timer after I killed him and then lose the vision, get a chest but not get any cloak upgrade?

  11. ty mate ! thx u r there ! searched all day to find guide like yours ! if posible make more deep dive for Melee , ranged , and RP classes like Feral/Ench/Surv ?

  12. I have the move anything add on but which setting tree and bar name is it to move the corruption bar? Any help is greatly appreciated.

  13. I'm playing a rogue and maybe I'm missing something or do something wrong but my stealth keeps dropping as soon as I enter the vision??

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