
完整的8.3补丁指南就在这里! 8.3中的操作,去向,与谁交谈,如何使用8.3,以及所有清楚清楚的内容,您都可以轻松地进入8.3版n’zoth的视野!从8.3任务线开始,在8.3中有很多事情要做,泰坦袭击,传奇斗篷,最重要的是如何实现8.3恐怖的愿景。所有这些将使您准备好应对8.3 bfa结束或更好的结束游戏内容。 ny’alotha突袭,如果那是您的果酱,或者您想做一些8.3机甲神话,或者只是开始在竞技场踢屁股。无论是什么,我们都能满足您的要求,所以请紧贴MarcelianOnline,以获取8.3 bfa哇类指南!




videos所有视频均在太平洋标准时间(PST)14:00 PM / CET 11:00 PM直播


  1. damn, finally decided to try WoW again and checking this and i dont know what the freck they are talking about and i left on 8.0 :/, sucks

  2. Ex hardcore player here, just came back to the game, leveled all the way up to 120 and I'm now trying to gear up as fast as possible. It feels kind of overwhelming with all the things available and that you are supposed to do (like pathfinders for example). I couldn't find any specific guide online so I was wondering, is there a particular order you would suggest to do things as a fresh 120 in 8.3? For reference, I'm now in the middle of the black empire campaign (heading to Pandaria) and farming heroic dungeons. How should I proceed?

  3. I did 6 vision 3 on each faction side. Only once did I get to one boss and only got him to half-health before getting kicked. The PATCH Suks…lamest rep grind ever. To many mobs, not enuf time and lame rewards for not going all the way….F-ing LAME… I stopped playing wow..big disappointment.

  4. If you're lucky you might not get kicked out. And if you don't, good luck with getting loot. a lot of people haven't….

  5. Why is it so important that we see you during this video; so much so that you have to split-screen to satisfy your ego? SO many YouTubers do that and I click them right off.

  6. 8.3 what a horseshit.give players cartoony vulperas and more mounts and they are already in heavens.i am sure chines and japanes are crying from happyness.

  7. Thanks alot great content and +10000000 for the comment that you wont get the upgrade in the first horrffic vision every video on youtube say's dont mess up you'r first vision , you'r the only i heard mention the quest , very clear thx alot again !

  8. Thanks for the awesome guide guys. I’m a hardcore player but only on weekends – and other guides are just confusing. Nice and simple!

  9. daily SPECIAL events give rep that only shows on minimap and not on NORMAL map………
    wtf blizz been smoking way to make WQ even more shitty
    anyone got addon for this shit? AND NO NO RARESCANNER OR HANDYNOTES/TOMCATS :rage:

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