令人震惊的PS5电源和价格优势|下一代Xbox Series X与Playstation 5规格泄漏

索尼和即将面世的Playstation 5在Xbox品牌不断增长的情况下一直保持安静,沉睡和躲藏,它们在E3,X0和The Game Awards上发表了有关新一代Xbox X系列的讲话。我们知道PS5的功能将强大,未来索尼已经做好了准备,而且速度非常快,但是在今年年底,索尼只字不提,而微软则大声疾呼。这个沉睡的巨人,即Playstation,将要强烈唤醒……这个星期,圣诞节刚过,眼睛就睁开了。



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  1. Source links in the description have been removed by @_roGame either by request of AMD or his employer. Hot news, too hot for the public right now.

  2. That $100 difference matters. The new Xbox and PS will be comparable in terms of performance, although Xbox might have a bit more power. So, what will it come down to for the majority of people? Price, verity of games, and sadly… exclusives.

  3. Xbox Is around 3 TFLOPS more power. End of discussion. People argue “omg it’s dev kits” but the only thing changing from your dev kits is ram. And minor changes to the cpu and GPU speeds. Xbox won and went all out

  4. Sony are quiet because they are trying to out do the Xbox powerhouse… now they know what it’s capable off & are worried ?less…??..Not getting either??

  5. I've heard there may very well be a ps5 pro at launch as well that they are going to blow away the series x and demolish them even worse than the original x1

  6. No first party exclusives for XBSX for the first 1 to 2 years confirmed by MS. That sucks as it will hold first party games back.

  7. Xbox is just for people who are too poor to afford a gaming pc and most of xboxs exclusives come to pc anyway so ps5 is the way to go if you can afford a gaming pc

  8. I think what is posing me off is that I’m seeing so many videos like this that are saying that the ps5 is a “sleeping giant” or that it is going to massively outsell the Xbox. One of the massive reasons in the last consoles that the ps5 outsold last year is because of how much more powerful it was than the Xbox one. This year I feel like ps5 is sacrificing a lot to make the ps5 that 399 price point and in the end we will see another ps5 pro that will finally match with the Xbox series x. Is it going to work for the next couple years? Probably. But we had to wait what 6 years for the next consoles? Is the ps5 pro going to keep up with new games as well as the Xbox series x for that long? That’s what i am most worried about. When I get a new console I want one that is going to last the longest until the next one. I have both the original ps4 and the original Xbox one and right now I feel like I’m leaning to go with Microsoft for this next console.

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