PS5比Xbox Series X更强大吗?谁在乎!

Xbox Series X和PS5之战迅速升温,关于Xbox Series X和Playstation 5规格的谣言在整个互联网上泄漏。在最新的PS5与Xbox Series X比较中,就Teraflops而言,似乎PS5的系统可能比新Xbox弱。但这有关系吗?

推特:@ rgt_85

#PS5 #XboxSeriesX#PlayStation5

  1. Even if the ps5 is more powerful, who cares?? The difference is so minimal that you wont even recognize it in game unless you take a full in depth look

  2. I’ll tell you who cares. All the pony SDF fanboys that’s who. It’s so funny watching all the pony damage control. There so desperate. Some of them are reaching so hard hoping and wishing that their precious crap station 5 is more powerful than the XseX.
    Well I guess there’s gonna be a whole lot of super salty ponys out there after the official reveals coz guess what? It’s pretty much an open secret now that the XseX stomps the ps5 in power/performance. But hey keep dreaming ponies if it makes you feel better lmao mwahahahahaha

  3. ha im getting a Xbox Series X PS4 install the games on the menu,and Xbox one doesn't,i bet the PS5 will be the same as PS4 they both play PS4/Xbox One games so i going to microsoft after staying so long by sony.even so the PS4 takes GB from disc's to install,i dont know if Xbox is doing the same thing.

  4. i love my xbox one x will go xbox next gen too…i had a ps4 pro sold it never going sony again i dont see the appeal.. plus all the first party sony games suck to me and not to mention most games runs best on the one x and most likely will be the same next gen ill rather have that then a few first party titles i dont care about…

  5. a smidge better!!!???? funny when the pro first released people could not really tell much of a difference on the pro vs the standard PS4..!! and last I looked and from a stand point of playing both the One X in Graphics power has bent the playstation over with the who's your Daddy there is no smidge theres a very large difference!

  6. it matters it's exactly why I no longer am a PS fan the pro was a D-slap to PS-fans (they did not spend any time on it and through it together) it's just most PS fans did not get it, but do I care about graphics and games or do I care more for one or two exclusives more.. I play more non exclusive games then exclusives just like most other players, soooo yeah I will get the better more powerful system because yea I care!

  7. As I expected this is super pro Sony. Not everyone buys systems only for exclusives. I have both consoles and will be buying both new ones. I have my PS4 for fighting games. And the only first party exclusive I liked was horizon. Which is unlike most of the exclusives which tend to be cinematic with no gameplay. I also only play Forza as far as Xbox exclusives. But there's the ecosystem and controller. Also Xbox gave me a pretty good place to play modded Skyrim and fallout 4 until I went PC and I played those games far more than anything else this gen. Those games win Xbox this gen for me in particular.

    And in-between new games I'll probably be playing Bethesda games modded to look better than PS5 or X series X anyway. If the PC isn't the place to play said game…cough cough cyberpunk.

  8. For me with the new consoles some form of portability matters to me. I'm hoping xcloud takes off. In my adult life I don't have time to be locked into playing in my living room only. My Switch, (and believe it or not) Stadia get the most play time because I can use them on the go. My family travels a ton so being able to have the ability to play games on the go is my #1 Hope for next gen. I love good graphics as much as the next guy. Heck I even have a PC with a I9 9900k and a 2080ti, but it gets less use than my portable stuff for the sole reason I'm never home.

  9. "the stronger system falls out to the weaker system" nope ps2 beat Dreamcast. Xbox 360(9.6GF stronger than ps3) bested ps3. Super Nintendo beat Genesis . What really matters is marketing.

  10. I just hope the PS5 is quieter than PS4. Mine sounds like a damn jet engine whereas my Xbox one X is nice n quiet.
    I'll most likely get both systems anyway eventually it's which one first will depend on the games

  11. Who cares about graphics or speeds. Graphics is the last thing companies should worry about. Ill take ps1 graphics. Seriously tho specs mean nothing. Who looks at specs ? I dont have a PhD. If i wanted a powerful console that runs smooth id get an xbox but i dont care about that. Please bring back Atari original graphics.

  12. Well, they did say just the "ps5" they never said the "ps5 pro". So if the ps5 has 9.2 teraflops, the pro might even be more beefy in terms of graphics compared to the series X

  13. Once Digital Foundry starts putting up comparisons of third party games running on PS5 and Xbox series X and showing how they are running better on Xbox people will care plenty, my friend, they will care plenty.

  14. Microsoft proved that they can and will beat Sony in power with the Xbox One X. That whole console was a statement of engineering. For Sony to go toe to toe with Microsoft on hardware would be stupid and needlessly expensive, they don't need to since they have the nice exclusive catalog. As long as they make their first party studios happy with the power they provide, I doubt it'll matter.

    But that power disparity does mean I am picking up a Series X on launch and grabbing the Sony console on sale.

  15. When them frames start a droppin then we'll see who cares. I'll give it 3 years before people have to drop another $400 on a PS5 Pro to match Series X power. With how quick tech is advancing It won't be long before PS5 owners get a nice dose of reality.

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