iOS 13越狱iOS 13.3更新! A13-A12半不受束缚的越狱新闻! (iPhone 11-XS)

iOS 13.3越狱iOS 13更新! A12-A13所有者在所有成本上都避免使用iOS 13.3!从iOS 13.3降级到iOS 13.2.3,同时可以越狱iOS13。A12-A13状态检查器这里:?

iOS 13越狱iOS 13.3更新! iOS 13.3已于昨天发布!它为普通用户带来了一些好的修复,但对于越狱者却没有。 iOS 13.3关闭了两个新的关键内核漏洞。据说iOS 13内核漏洞可能导致利用,进而导致新的iOS 13越狱(适用于所有设备)。唯一的问题是,您无法更新到iOS 13.3-如果您这样做,这些漏洞将被关闭。为了确保越狱iPhone 11,iPhone 11 Pro,iPhone 11 Pro Max,iPhone XS,iPhone XR,iPhone XS Max或iPad Pro的最佳机会,请避免像瘟疫一样升级到iOS 13.3。

A11(iPhone X)和较老的用户也应避免使用iOS 13.3。由于今天的新闻,我们将获得适用于iOS 13.2.3和更低版本的半捆绑iOS 13越狱。

要重申,越狱者应保持在iOS 13.2.3或更低版本上。实际上,如果您使用的是iOS 13.1.3,那就更好了!一旦有新实用程序发布,请继续关注完整的A12越狱和A13越狱教程。 iOS 13越狱即将复活。我们走吧!

— — — — — Checkra1n iOS 13越狱内容— — — —–

▶︎如何越狱iOS 13.3-A11:

▶︎iOS 13最佳越狱调整:


▶︎如何越狱iOS 13:

— — — — —有用材料的结尾— — — — —

** YouTube:根据DMCA,越狱是100%合法的行为。讨论iOS更新是合法的。 **





  1. i mean drop it you are fake you are not the programer who make this exploit work you just an ass collecting likes and shit base on other people worked

  2. Installed checkrain and followed steps all the way through, but got stopped at the end by and
    Error and couldn’t install in phone. Checkrain “app”appeared in phone but no jailbreak. Fix?

  3. Sir you anyone can guide me how I can downgrade my iPhone 7 Plus GSM running iOS 13.3??? I want to jailbreak and bypass iCloud because it’s iCloud locked I’d? Can anyone help me…..

  4. Hmmm just got the iPhone 11 for Christmas, I’m happy but sad, awesome phone but can’t JB forever like on the iPhone 10 and lower but thank God I have my iPhone 6 still

  5. You really should make a small web app that asks you a few questions like:
    – What device do you want to jailbreak?
    – Is your device already jailbroken?
    – Which iOS/iPadOS version is it running?
    – What type of jailbreak/use are your looking for?
    – Are you already experienced with jailbreak or is this your first time?
    – Can you use a PC?
    – Can you use a Mac?

    And then it would suggest you all of your videos that would match the description.

  6. Bruh I’m so happy that a A13 jailbreak is possible and in near future because I upgraded from a 7 plus with 12.4 jailbreak to a 11 and I would really like to see all my tweaks and stuff on my new 11

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