Nintendo Switch Lite的初探:Nintendo Switch系列的新成员

推出Nintendo Switch Lite –一款紧凑,轻巧的控制台,专用于手持游戏!

Nintendo Switch系列的新成员将于9月20日上市,提供三种不同的颜色。

访问我们的官方网站以找到有关Nintendo Switch Lite的更多信息,并比较功能以找到适合您的Nintendo Switch控制台!


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  1. Make a new "switchable" switch lite version please! add usb-c video support and a 3 way cable for "Device;TV;Power". then its the perfect console/handheld!

  2. 1:29 with a click of my fingers, humans will now skip skateboarding & rock climbing, randomly take up spaces in public, stop enjoying nature, playing games in space instead of research to benefit mankind, hog the television blocking all world news, and spoiling their eyes in a dim lit bedroom instead of sleeping… I am truly the Japanese Thanos!

  3. Nintendo switch more like Nintendo brick you cant play with friends cant hook it up to a tv and it dont even have Bluetooth

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