爆发与安度因电影会面 [8.3 WoW BFA: Visions of N'zoth]

爆发与安度因电影会面。在8.3版中,Wrathion到达暴风城,警告他的老朋友Anduin Wrynn国王N’zoth即将带来的启示。团圆后,安度因(Anduin)留意了他的警告和会议,并让麦格尼(Magni)再次冒险。用锤子!

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《魔兽世界》中的Azeroth OST之战。


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  1. For anyone wondering why Anduin blames his best friend for his father's death the logic goes like this. Wrathion was partially responsible for the whole Warlords of Draenor time-travelling fiasco, which led to alternate Guldan living, which led to him creating a portal for the Burning Legion to invade Azeroth, which led to Legion. Which led to Varian trying to solo two current content raid bosses. Which led to him dying. So yeah, Wrathion failed in the best friend department.

  2. That sexual tension was so thick, I can only imagine future meetings with those two to be such a treat to watch. I will admit it's good to see that red eyed bastard again. Wrathions voice is so smooth.

  3. Ok yeah… Why is Wrathion so handsome? And I always had something for the black dragonflight ( sorry Nozdormu, I still love playing on your realm 😉 ) so please Blizz, give that guy a huuuuuge storyline from now on – I'm in love with this scaly hot af guy 😀

  4. It is quite majestic that someone as blessed and masterful in the light's way such as Anduin, which should be a beacon against the darkness, was one the first in the Alliance to feel the first waves of the power of corruption.

  5. This is the gayest thing I've ever seen out of blizzard and I've never laughed harder playing wow than I did after seeing this Lol. The way Wrathion salaciously smirks at Anduin is here is just priceless XD 0:56 And I know someone at Blizzard's got a big ol scaly dragon boner for Wrathion cuz there's no way they'd make a dragon look that handsome if they didn't lmao ;D

    Oh shit I just realized!! They made Wrathion look like a persian Jason Mamoa XD

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