古怒释放的过场动画 [8.3 WoW BFA: Visions of N'zoth]


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链接:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = xg_5HARaNbE

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首次达到等级1和传奇! (石板指南)
链接:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = mfL7LTZ3Voc

链接:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = yEigiBwT-nM
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《魔兽世界》中的Azeroth OST之战。


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  1. How many times are they going to drag Onyxia and Nefarian back into the story. Next expansion we'll need to get fetch Nefarian's lamp shade

  2. The cool thing about this quest was that my main is a Rouge and I did that Legendary quest in cataclysm for Deathwing daggers. And since in patch 8.3 you can mog items to look like Legendaries, doing this quest with the same daggers looked so badass 😀

  3. I hope they know they are killing their own lore by just having Wrathion call everyone a champion and even the new players. Like what have they done? They probably just bought BFA a week ago and is being called a champion by some legendary character in lore. It's cringe.
    It also makes the new players think the guy is more whack than usual because of it too, like they don't even know who the character Wrathion is most likely and some how Wrathion is calling this random dude a champion who just started playing WoW a week ago. This NEEDS to go.

    I can only understand if they do this for players that actually achieved something in WoW but it's every player in WoW at level 120 and it just makes these legendary characters look like NPC's holding your hand rather than a legendary character in WoW lore you earned their respect from by completing a Heroic/Mythic Raid or some amount of rating in PvP.

    This is actually a terrible addition for new players as well as they know damn well they aren't a champion in WoW if they get clapped in almost every BG they get into or wiping in LFR because they are new to the game(no hate on that I just think the respect from these types of characters need to be earned, also every new player starts at the beginning not the end, at least they should…). It also diminishes good player's skills being recognized for the game and same as a new player's trust with the game.

    They know themselves they aren't a champion if they are new so you lying to their faces 10 times in a row won't do any better. It just looks cringe and THAT is why people can't get into the story. You are just lying to there faces and they already know it, that itself is a turn off to anything to do with the story. Especially when you have Wrathion and all these other legendary lore characters calling you a champion.

    Imagine a Naruto game where the Hokage starts calling Genin's champions without them even fighting anything yet it just sounds weird to me. Or when you join the army you are already the highest rank possible, it makes no sense and it is NOT realistic at all. Blizzard somehow forgot everything about the journey in WoW onto being great and actually feeling like it but instead they decided to make a cheap shortcut to just being great without having to do anything at all. I hope someone out there can agree with me on this.

  4. they should give wrathion a netherwing drake girl to be his mate would be pretty dope also getting down to restarting that flight a little there

  5. How disappointing… "you're the one special little snow flake hero and only you will have this Cape" he said to the millions of handheld retail players… when are they going to go back to the "you are just 1 of many"/"we couldnt have done it without all of you guys" instead of that "you're the one little special hero 1 of a kind and only in the world" BS…

  6. Can you please link to the sound track at the beginning of the video (not Wrathion's theme but one that plays right from the start)?

    I encountered it first in a video about Zin-Azshari quest chain (and my mind exploded with the pure artistic vibe that the story/lore behind the quest and the music together created).

    Since then, I have searched for it like hell, gone though entire BfA OSTs and still haven't found it.

  7. The sad, pathetic joke that is modern WoW… Man, I can't wait for the next xpac so I can skip to the end, faceroll 99% of the content I do and spent most of my time collecting my (insert xpac themed resource) because of reasons! Should be a hoot.

  8. If I leveled to max in this xpac but then left, if I were to join now how much work would it be to make myself raid ready?

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