
微软和索尼都同时宣布了前两个正式的第九代游戏:Xbox Series X上的《地狱刀锋II》和PS5上的Godfall,都使我们感到惊讶。在这两种情况下,我们的工作量都很少,对于《天崩地裂》而言,镜头尤其稀缺。我们只用了不到1分钟的时间就能看到索尼所说的“发动机内”镜头。

这并不一定反映游戏画面的最终质量,但可以使我们对在该控制台和该引擎上可能实现的一切有深刻的认识。 《 Godfall宣布》预告片是我们获得的第一个PS5素材。尽管通常需要注意的是-毕竟是1分钟的罐装拖车-但有一些有趣的亮点值得仔细研究。我们将继续进行下去。





  1. Honestly looks good, like what you’d expect a late gen game to look like, I’m not wowed because the wow factor usually hits 2-3 years when the big boys know how to use the technology

  2. I seriously doubt 24gb ram. Will most likely be 12-16.gb

    The Custom SSD in the PS5 is at such an enhanced level that high quality textures can be thrown in and out of memory. So speed of mem and ssd will be more. important.

  3. i don't get fooled by all the tech nonsense anymore, Deep Down anyone ? when i put a PLAYSTATION 5 disc in the system that's when il decide if im blown away or not

  4. Quick tip: if you're doing a graphics showcase video, maybe increase the bitrate. All this is taken with an even smaller grain of salt bc not only is it a trailer, but in the video it looks like garbage bc of the bitrate.

  5. lol don´t forget that a console is not a 3D Engine … hardware can be handy, but an engine is the core for graphics. Godfall is powered by Unreal Engine 4

  6. I hope mid game when you press the ps button and want to to party or friends list or whatever the software don't lag like fuck

  7. For everyone saying last of us 2 looks better than this. Go watch killzone footage from when ps4 just came out and compare it to this to get a real idea of the generational jump. If you see no progress you're completely delusional. The first games from a generation never fully exploit the capabilities of the system because devs are just starting to mess with it.

  8. If they would put only half the effort they put into high resoluton volumetric effects, accurate global illumination and dynamic effin shadows into story, gameplay, level design and atmosphere we would have perfect games.

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