

Chord Hacks(免费视频系列):




  1. Thank you for talking about the part I find as clear as mud after years of just reading, never thinking….with a stint of finding ,writing and playing scales chords and inversions in every key followed by another long quit.

  2. Great vid thank you. Does this work for chords with four notes? I’ve written a chord progression and almost every played chord underwent a couple inversions & now i have no idea what any of the chords are. E.G. (from the bottom up) Db, C, Eb, Ab. Do I transpose the Db up 2 octaves so all notes are in the same octave? Even if I did, the distance between the Db and the Ab as well as the Ab and the Eb is both 5. Can anybody help?

  3. Thank you! This is the easiest way of identifying chord inversions. 🙂

    One question I have is:
    How do you identify extended chord inversions, or accidentals? (Assuming we know the key it's in)

    For example, in the key of C Major, a CMaj7 first-inversion or C7b5 first-inversion?

  4. This video made m confused pls help m…..

    The note which has more space becomes root note then when Playing F# A D why A didn't become root note…. I normally know that it's D 2nd inversation but as per ur calculation i became confused pls explain…

  5. This is my first time not understanding you. I wish you could have elaborated on the inversions. But you're still okay as a teacher.

  6. excellent filming sound editing and explanation. only question is how do you know that you're not in root position?

  7. That is soooo simple and soooo cool!! You're the best. Bunches of your tutorials have helped me. This one is a super "AahHah" monent. Thanks.

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