


Playstation 5即将发布,尽管Sony在整个过程上都含糊不清,但我们还是有很多漏洞,还有Sony的一些报价。

Playstation 5上市不到12个月,因此,谣言和漏洞当然像龙卷风一样在互联网上旋转。



  1. Why I watch dealer no hate only factual news the playstation will have a disc drive unlike the cheaper xbox while the series x same tier will have one no mentioning that little fact I own both consoles and to be honest I've only bought the few exclusives that peakmy interest on ps everything else is played on xbox I will be buying both console but due to xcloud and game pass will be buying playing all my cross platforms there

  2. The information you provided seems good, but your title is super misleading and also seems to be starting a console war amongst the people. When 2 products are similar it simply comes down to personal preferense.

    Additionally would like links where you got your info from because I like to read the actual source material.

  3. This would be great for single player action rpgs. It would be a nice way to play with your friends, and it would add a challenge factor where you have to be aware of what your friend wants to do.

  4. Bruh literally all these games that u named off ur gonna be able to get on the new Xbox “ps4 fanboy” and a lot of the things u named off Xbox already has

  5. Multi player with single control with divided controls for handicapped people = adaptive controller on xbox, allows a single person to operate any feature =) totally lame idea right, sonys is way better. ( sarcasm )

  6. F Sony. I can tell by their shenanigans the past couple of years that they dislike gamers. I hate to say it but Microsoft is making all the right moves.

  7. The xbox one already has this controller feature now….. and not to mention the adaptive controller do you even do research? How would this give it a win and why are you comparing the ps5 to a disc less xbox series ? Not the actual main console

  8. I see a new era with the next gen consoles, all the fans coming together and saying "sony and microsoft should be together", im going to miss the arguing?

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