tvOS 13上的Apple TV 4越狱-带有Checkra1n的tvOS 13.2!没有4K iOS 13(KODI及更多)

如何通过tvOS 13.2越狱Apple TV 4 tvOS 13,用于nitoTV,KODI等的Checkra1n iOS 13越狱。没有4K支持,第4代ATV下载和下面的步骤!

 ❤️?下载Checkra1n Apple TV越狱软件:

Checkra1n即将越狱iOS 13,但您猜怎么着!还有一件事:tvOS 13的越狱-tvOS 13.2!最好的部分是,这也是永久性的半拴式越狱。这意味着,当发布新版本的tvOS 13(例如tvOS 13.2.1,tvOS 13.3,tvOS 13.4等)时,它们也将越狱!多么酷啊?越狱您的Apple TV 4,以在设备的使用寿命内安装Kodi和其他一些很棒的调整。

关于Apple TV 4K(第5代)和Windows支持,两者都(可能)即将到来。不过,到目前为止,您无法越狱Apple TV 4K。 Apple TV 4K使用A10X CPU供电,该CPU容易受到checkra1n中使用的checkm8攻击的影响。但是问题是它没有USB-C I / O-即还没有真正的连接方法。将来可能会有所变化,所以请随时关注更新。对于Windows,一旦Windows iOS 13的Checkra1n越狱失败,它可能就会出现。同样,请继续关注。

 — — — —如何越过tvOS 13 +注意事项— — —-

在您开始之前,请注意,这是半栓式越狱。这意味着要使用越狱的东西,无论何时拔出电源和/或断电,都需要使用checkra1n进行引导。没什么大不了的,因为Apple TV很少重启。



步骤3:连接Apple TV后,单击“开始”,然后单击“下一步”。


步骤5:就这样! Checkra1n说“完成”后,断开与USB-C的连接。在Apple TV上,弹出checkra1n RC1安装程序(这可能需要一段时间),然后让它执行其操作。完成后,单击“完成”以重新弹出。

第6步:在tvOS 13上享受Apple TV 4越狱的乐趣!

——–Checkra1n iOS 13越狱——-

▶︎如何使用Checkra1n(iOS 13)越狱:

iOS 13 Jailbreak for iOS 13.7 with Checkra1n

▶︎iOS 13最佳越狱调整:


▶︎如何越狱iOS 13:




卢卡·托德斯科(Luca Todesco):
argp: = _argp
axi0mX: = axi0mX
丹妮·利安斯基(Dany Lisiansky):
Jaywalker: = Jaywalker
亚当·德马西(Adam Demasi): = hbkirb
杰米·毕晓普(Jamie Bishop):
pimskeks: = pimskeks
Sam Binger: = sbingner
s1guza: = s1guza

--- --- --- --- ---有用材料的结尾--- --- --- --- ---

** YouTube:根据DMCA,越狱是100%合法的行为。讨论iOS更新是合法的。 **





  1. ? The jailbreak scene is ON FIRE! I can't wait to see the new tvOS tweaks that come of this!
    ? HUGE thank you to nitoTV (check description) – thumbs if you appreciate him & others

  2. did not work on my 12.3 ios went to the ipsw downloader and there only have the 13.1 ios if I update my apple tv 4th gen and get the 13.4 ios did not work for me.

  3. Got through everything until installing Kodi. It said it installed just fine, but it DOES NOT appear on homescreen. Is there a fix for this?

  4. Thank you so much, it worked very well, but unfortunately after one Hour and restarted my Apple tv for a reason, and it is not jailbroken anymore I don’t know why?!

  5. Could I achieve this via running Mac OS X through a virtual machine on Windows? My only other option is borrowing my ex girlfriend's MacBook since I'm still in contact with her, and believe me, that is a last resort.

  6. Hey how do we go about to unjailbreak Apple TV? I watched your guide for the phone but a lot different then the tv method.

  7. What is the point if it is tethered? Sideloading apps every 7 days without jailbreak or tethered booting with this jailbreak every time I turn off atv4 is literally the same amount of work. Maybe this jailbreak is even more impractical.

  8. I been wanting to go back to a Apple TV from a fire TV but you can’t get stuff that I use on fire tv ugh … we need more people to get on the Apple hack wave I check often to see if someone can jailbreak it other than use wack ass kodi

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