最佳Mythic +范围为8.3?顶级类和规格|方法

随着8.3快速接近,我们将了解Mythic +中Ranged的所有最佳规格和类别,以了解在新补丁中将主导电表的因素。


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  1. Blizzard needs to buff or bring back the power warlocks once commanded, once BFA came around, my first alt and probably my favorite class, the Warlock, has been butchered so badly. I've put the time in and it just isn't fair that a Mage or even a Shadow Priest that is 20+ item levels lower then I, does more damage, with less effort, bullshit!

  2. funny because I have the exact opposite experience. I struggle hardcore getting invited as balance druid. a warlock I know gets instant invites "because of his utility".

  3. How can blizzard continue to nerf shadow priests?? that specc has been in disarray ever since void form was implemented in Legion(?). Scrap it and give us back shadow orbs

  4. Great video!! The only thing I'd debate you on is the Utility of Ele Shaman. I'd give them the 4/5 due to Bloodlust (which was omitted from your utility list for the class). I think that including everything you mentioned with the addition of Bloodlust the shaman moves up to a solid 4.0, not a 4.01, nor a 4.02, but a solid 4.0. The equivalent to the Jamaican Bobsled teams ramshackle metal on metal practice course from the popular 90's movie. It's crude and heartwarming, and surprises nobody when they fail to make it the winners podium.

  5. Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/powpowpat

    Hi zusammen und kurz und knapp ich streame seit parr Tagen bin noch komplett am Anfang 🙂 . Falls jemand einen Account hat und ein follow / like / Hosting etc da lassen kann wäre ich sehr dankbar !
    Stream ist in circa 1-2 Wochen in einer besseren Qualität da und ich starte dann richtig
    Danke im Voraus <3

  6. Even Method is basically saying "Don't waste your teams time by playing Warlock"… Sucks a lot to see how much Blizz have ruined us. Especially Demonology. :/ Every time that spec especially have some power, it gets nerfed with a sledgehammer.

  7. Honestly, i prefer destro over demo in m+ but thats just me. Incredible single target + cleave, can do decent AoE with infernals and have awesome mob control with fear, aoe stun, infernal stun, interrupt etc. Survivability no immunities but large hp pool and soul leech makes it decent since it's also alot easier to dodge stuff as ranged.

  8. You totally ignored permanent passive interaction of soul leech/soul link for survival which negates the need for immunity in most instances for demonology

  9. You said in the melee spec vid don't worry about Enh Shaman cause it would be talked about in the range video and then just only talked about the Ele shaman stuff…

  10. If shadow priest was over performing in DPS and they get a nerf that doesn't mean they become the worst fucking dps. It's called balance, everyone sees a nerf and thinks shit becomes useless for no reason.

  11. Jammin with a Shammin! Disappointed with the Hunter Utility score, though. Frost Trap is worth a point if you're gonna give DHs and Monks credit for their "OoC mob remover" abilities. Other traps' usefulness is more debatable, as is Misdirect unless Skittish becomes a real affix.

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