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#2021Oscars #EarlyOscarPredictions #BestPicture #BestPictureReaction。

  1. Does Netflix have any animated movies releasing this year? Anyone knows? Both Klaus and I lost my body got their nominations and beat Frozen 2 out of the top 5 so anything's possible. And after Parasite's win, we need to look at the top international films too and whether they get the buzz and awards at the film festivals.

  2. Fincher best director, French dispatch best picture, Kaufman will win best adapted screenplay. Fincher will win cause the Oscars fucked up bad for giving it to Tom hooper and French dispatch is just a prediction. Im excluding the a24 films this year because the Oscars hate them lol.

  3. Couple actor things but I think Saoirse Ronan could get her 5th Oscar nom for Ammonite, I could see Jennifer Hudson getting a nom for RESPECT, and it hasn't started filming yet but some people think the Bob Dylan biopic with Timothée Chalamet will come out this year so that as well

  4. Best Director:
    *Wes Anderson- The French Dispatch.
    *David Fincher- Mank.
    *Denis Villenueve- Dune.
    *Steven Spielberg: West Side Story.
    *Christopher Nolan: Tenet.

  5. Not looking forward to West Side Story at all. I think it's one of those musicals that's untouchable, and Stephen Spielberg has been spotty as of late and has never directed a musical.
    However, check out News of The World. Tom Hanks reunites with Captain Phillips director Paul Greengrass in what sounds like a sort of period epic. He may have a year with that Greyhound movie.
    Also, check out The Woman in the Window. It's a psychological thriller directed by Darkest Hour director Joe Wright and stars Amy Adams. I want Amy to win an Oscar so badly, so I'm going to go out and support any movie she decides to do.

  6. Pretty good choices but I think you put too much importance on a good cast. Also sci fi is almost always ignored. I hope Parasite might start the inclusion of more foreign films as best picture.

  7. Was busy today, just seeing this now. Thought this was a very interesting video to do so early in the year. You put a lot of movies on my radar for later in the year I wasn't aware of yet. I really liked the first Dune movie from when I was a kid, don't think it aged super well but I liked it a LOT 30 years ago lol. Really hoping this new Dune movie is fantastic too. It should be with all its got going for it.

  8. From your honorable mentions I've already had all of them on my watchlist except Edgar Wright's and that's because I don't do Horror (I had a heart surgery at 1yo and I don't want to have a heart attack because I get a scare hahaha).

    And from your list I didn't have 3 and didnt know about the first 2:
    David O. Russell's, Waititi's and McKay's (I hate J. Lawrence so I'm skipping that one)

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