希尔瓦娜斯对索尔芳-所有第四次战争电影 [Pre-8.3 WoW BFA: War Campaign Finale]

第四次战争。所有电影和过场动画。在8.3之前的追赶中,第四次战役达到了高潮。 Anduin与Saurfang&Thrall的盟友。萨尔芳(Saurfang)向大酋长希尔瓦娜斯·风行者挑战麦格拉。卡莉亚·米奈希尔(Calia Menethil)回归。希尔瓦娜斯有N’zoth的计划并为死亡服务。

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首次达到等级1和传奇! (石板指南)
链接:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = mfL7LTZ3Voc

链接:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = yEigiBwT-nM
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《魔兽世界》中的Azeroth OST之战。


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  1. Xq no hacen las mismas caídas de vídeo en los uegos parace como la épico de 2005 loco hagan algo hay muchas forma de hacer súper gráficos miles de juegos tienen gigantesco de gráfico épico

  2. Looks like they are getting ready to finally get rid of Slyvanas for good… I think more people will be happy than mad because of what they did to her character

  3. So..sylvanas is basically the new lich king/arthas? Honorable champion of their people, became the very thing they fought against and are now leaders of undead?

  4. I'm so happy that Lor'themar is finally getting a bigger role. The elf has been through so much shit yet got barely any recognition over the years.

  5. I find it very convenient that one banshee is somehow able to always get away even when an entire planet is against her. How hard is it to stab a single person in the back after earning her trust, I mean isn't that the expertise of rogues? Can't you find an undead rogue to act as a double agent and kill her when the opportunity is right, she can't keep her guard up all the time right? Or how about breaking the rules of honor for once and just lure her in with Mok"gora and then just bombard her with magic, arrows, catapult fire from every angle imaginable and just be done with it and deal with the treachery later. Isn't life more important than killing a genocidal lunatic honorably? After all why should anyone play fair with her when she herself breaks every rule of "honor" their is in the book.

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