如何使用Checkra1n和Cydia越狱iOS 13-iOS 13.2.2! (半拴)

iOS 13.2.2越狱iOS 13越狱教程! Checkra1n现在可以下载并安装Cydia + iOS 13 Tweaks。完整步骤和下载在这里:?https://besttechinfo.com/jailbreak-ios-13/

 ❤️iPhoneXS-iPhone 11越狱状态检查器这里:

iOS 13 – 13.3 Jailbreak for A13 & A12 Released!

Checkra1n iOS 13越狱发布!下载Checkra1n越狱iOS 13至iOS 13.2.2!由于checkra1n的主要漏洞利用程序被称为checkm8,因此它是较旧设备的半捆绑式越狱。这意味着您每次重新启动时,都需要使用checkrain来引导捆绑使用“越狱的东西”。您仍然可以在没有计算机的情况下重新启动以使用所有系统应用程序。尽管这对大多数用户来说是一个限制,但实际上是令人惊奇的。拴系越狱的好处是它无法被Apple修补。这意味着checkra1n将能够越狱iOS 13.2.3,iOS 13.3,iOS 13.4和任何其他将来的iOS 13版本!



-iPhone 6s-iPhone X

但是,不幸的是,由于Apple在A12的芯片中修补了此低级漏洞,因此无法在iPhone XS或更高版本上使用。 Checkra1n已在A12和A13 CPU上打补丁。这意味着checkra1n将无法越狱以下任何设备。


-iPhone XS和XS Max
-iPhone XR
-iPhone 11,iPhone 11 Pro和11 Pro Max
-iPad Pro 2018
-iPad Air 3rd gen 2019或iPad mini 5

但是不要担心,这也将使您受益!由于越狱者具有永久性的越狱环境,因此他们将能够发现新的内核漏洞,这些漏洞将导致较新的A12和A13发生新的越狱。 checkra1n会导致更多越狱!

认真地说,我们即将进入一个巨大的越狱黄金时代,这全都归功于Luca Todesco和Checkra1n团队。感谢所有帮助实现这一目标的人(包括主要checkm8漏洞背后的研究员axi0mX)。一定要在Twitter上告诉这些人谢谢,没有他们,我们将不会有这个新的iOS 13越狱工具!


卢卡·托德斯科(Luca Todesco):https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name=qwertyoruiopz
argp:https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name = _argp
axi0mX:https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name = axi0mX
丹妮·利安斯基(Dany Lisiansky):https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name=DanyL931
Jaywalker:https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name = Jaywalker
亚当·德马西(Adam Demasi):https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name = hbkirb
杰米·毕晓普(Jamie Bishop):https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name=jamiebishop123
pimskeks:https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name = pimskeks
Sam Binger:https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name = sbingner
s1guza:https://twitter.com/intent/follow?screen_name = s1guza

--- --- --- --- ---有用材料的结尾--- --- --- --- ---

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  1. I have been trying to get Jailbreak for iOS 13 since September. I downloaded the apps, about 150 times, and today I found out that its all bullshit. Thanks for wasting 7 months of my life and other people’s time. Go to hell.

  2. Thanks to the checkm8 vulnerability, I do not have to worry about messing up my iOS file system anymore, knowing the fact I could restore my iOS to the latest version and exploit the BootROM.

  3. Mene iphone x mai ye process kiya but 100% complete hone k bad iphone x ka gesture chl nahi raha.(swipe up nai ho raha)..
    Help me
    Solution please

  4. Help, I can not get into my device with passcode and also the "unlock to use USB accessories" is there. My windows is crapped so no recovery. Is there a way in checkra1n to get the device recognized without passcode

  5. My iphone died while i had cydia on my phone. I rejailbroke it tried everything but when I install cydia on my phone again it doesnt open and just crashes. I tried doing everything and it doesn't work. Help pleaseee!!

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