
《九品芝麻官之白面包青天》(英语:Hail the Judge),是香港演员周星驰于1994年主演的喜剧电影,当时由于台湾连续剧《包青天》爆红,香港各家电视台纷纷欲加入转播,王晶于是恶搞,创造一个“新的包青天故事”,电影的香港原名为《九品芝麻官》,副标题“白面包青天”中的“白面”即“白脸”,原因是周星驰扮演北宋名臣包拯(人称“包青天”)的后人包龙星,只不过包拯是黑脸的,包龙星却是白脸的。包龙星是一个小官,为了帮一名冤狱被判处死刑的女子伸冤,历经千辛万苦,终于打败了犯罪者与背后的恶势力,告大白于天下。 .

  1. Stephen chow takes out the emperor’s underwear sniff and talk about it minutes later some high rank guy comes to give the bad news of the emperor’s death and Stephen chow cries uses the underwear to wipe his tears and asks “how did he die?” The guy looks around first the tells him”STD” every one gets away from the underwear ???

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