将iOS 13.2降级到iOS 13.1.3以进行越狱!半系绳(iOS 13越狱准备)

越狱iOS 13准备!一旦Unc0ver iOS 13发布,iOS 13.2降级到13.1.3越狱iOS 13!如何返回iOS 13.1.3和此处下载:?https://besttechinfo.com/downgrade-ios-13.2-jailbreak/?

苹果最近发布了iOS 13.2。为此,该公司修补了过去iOS 13版本中存在的一个非常关键的内核漏洞。该漏洞可能导致包括A12和A13在内的所有设备的iOS 13越狱。这意味着可以支持iPhone XS / XR和iPhone 11系列!目前,我们正在等待checkra1n的发布,这是iOS 13的首次越狱,这将有所不同。有关iOS 13.2安全补丁程序的完整详细信息,请点击这里:https://youtu.be/1C9aHddgZag

Checkra1n的设备支持有限,只能越狱iPhone X和更低版本的iPhoneX。不会,它可能会越狱iOS 13.1.3上的任何设备。另外,与checkra1n不同,它是半不受束缚的。您可以随意重新启动设备并重新修补内核,以在没有计算机的情况下重新启用iOS 13越狱!但是您无法越狱iOS 13.2,因为它修补了Pwn20wnd等黑客正在iOS 13越狱中使用的主要漏洞。因此,我们需要从iOS 13.2降级到iOS 13.1.3。

但是,要降级,您必须快速。本教程非常耗时。一旦苹果停止签署iOS 13.1.3,将不再可能降级!所有上述iOS 13降级信息,以及包括下载在内的更多信息,都可以在上面的第一个链接上找到。

— — — — — Checkm8越狱iOS 13系列— — — —



▶︎第3部分-iOS 13.1.2发布和新更新:


▶︎第5部分-越狱iOS 13,称为Checkra1n:

▶︎第6部分-iOS 13.1.3发布和更新:



▶︎第9部分-iOS 13.1.3越狱中的Cydia:

▶︎第10部分-实现iOS 13.2越狱:


— — — — —有用材料的结尾— — — — —

** YouTube:根据DMCA,越狱是100%合法的行为。讨论iOS更新是合法的。 **





  1. ❗️ URGENT UPDATE: That was fast, Apple has stopped signing iOS 13.1.3 (and 13.1.2), making downgrades IMPOSSIBLE! I'm sorry if you missed the window, be sure to subscribe / ding the bell to make sure you DON'T miss out on the next opportunity like this. Thank you for your support. I'm here to keep you guys updated and informed. ? ? ?

  2. I didn't have to make the process of modifying the backup I made in iOS 13.3 in order to work in iOS 13.2.3 now or in this video iOS 13.1.3 – awkward no?…..did I make something wrong? I'm with all my data, apps, everything but on iOS 13.2.3 and I even made ASAP the backup now with iOS 13.2.3

  3. I’m on 12.4 iPhone XS Max and I’m trying to get unc0ver because it doesn’t download on my phone and it doesn’t work using Cydia impactor (updated to the latest) or your using your best tech info page either…pls help

  4. should i still downgrade my iphone 11 pro or stay on 13.2.2 since 13.2.2 jailbreak now is released???? please help im panicking

  5. Thank you so much for this explanation. I'm not great at downgrading, but I followed your steps and went from 13.2 back to 13.1.3 before they stop signing

  6. what happens if i download iOS 13.1.3 on my computer, but use it to downgrade AFTER Apple stopped signing it.

    is it impossible to downgrade once they stopped signing it, or is it still possible as long as you have the iOS version on your computer?

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