
小丑获得了11项奥斯卡金像奖提名,这是2019年所有电影中最多的一部,而醒来的媒体正在失去集体意识!在这段视频中,我准确地分析了为何Joker对MSM议程如此构成威胁,以及为什么Joker的成功对我们所有人都是胜利! #小丑#学院奖#奥斯卡

  1. Wanted to hate the movie, because someone had said that an Antifa-like group saves Joker in the end… But it was more like the Yellow Vest revolution saved him (revolt of the average Joe Schmoes). He was a very sympathetic character, and it was very intense, very hard to take at certain points. It was not funny or dumb, but very serious – the results of severe child abuse and society's callousness.

  2. 12:03 ninja please. The scene with the dwarf (Gary, played by Leigh Gill) is so poignant because the audience laughs at him not being able to open the door. You have this man who has to live with a condition and the cruel world laughing at his pain. That's what Joker's all about, the failure of society to care for people with crippling problems.

  3. Er…Lord Doomcock. I don't want to stoke your wrath and bring hellfire down upon myself but, in the interests of helping to prevent you sounding like a, er…, dare I say it…a pretentious fool, the word 'homage' is pronounced 'hom-IDGE'. If you are going to attempt to posit yourself as an expert on something (in this case the film Taxi Driver) you must at least correctly pronounce the words you use to prove that expertise…oh great and terrible one.

  4. Er…Lord Doomcock. I don't want to stoke your wrath and bring hellfire down upon myself but, in the interests of helping to prevent you sounding like a, er…, dare I say it…a pretentious fool, the word 'homage' is pronounced 'hom-IDGE'. If you are going to attempt to posit yourself as an expert on something (in this case the film Taxi Driver) you must at least correctly pronounce the words you use to prove that expertise…oh great and terrible one.

  5. This is something the joker in real life would do, he would make a movie like this to mentality mess with the SJWs crazy society, and has the world acts more crazy, example, like it’s ma’am! The joker would attack society with normalization psych oops terrorism instead of his usual anarchy attack on a normal society.

  6. As a reminder too, Dave Chapelle won a Grammy this past Sunday for best comedy album of his "Sticks and Stones" album. Thank heavens! ?

  7. I’m gay and African American. Have no problem with Joker being white and I love the Joker movie. Joaquin Phoenix deserves all the praise he can get. I seriously don’t understand the hate.

  8. So, why does Hollywood keep making these woke culture films that are guaranteed to flop?

    Fear. That’s the only logical reason. See? The Hollywood Bigwigs make these insipid piles of woke shit because if they don’t, they’re going to get their asses murdered by Antifa. Y’no? The ruthless terrorist organization determined to destroy America?

    When Hollywood came out with “Joker” and “Rambo: Last Blood,” many people were lauding this as a new era for Hollywood, where they finally learned that “Get Woke, Go Broke” is as true a statement as “water is wet” and they return to telling good stories, free of the Woke Agenda.

    But then what happened? “Terminator: Dark Fate” happened, that’s what.

    So, the whole bullshit show of retraction, Joker, Rambo, was just to recoup their losses. Now that Hollywood has money to hemorrhage again, they’re going back to obeying their SJW Masters, like good little piggies, who don’t want Antifa, and others of their ilk, to slaughter them.

    For every “Rambo: Last Blood” Hollywood will produce in the future, they will make hundreds of “Terminator: Dark Fates” “Ghostbusters 2016s” and “Annie” remakes.

    And how do I know that Hollywood is, out of pant-shitting terror, never going to give up on Woke Culture, and will release one, maybe two, decent movies to make up for the massive money sink?

    Because, if Hollywood truly believed in the Woke Agenda, we would never have gotten “Joker.” We would never have gotten “Rambo: Last Blood.”

    And if Hollywood wasn’t scared shitless of the SJWs and Antifa, we never would have subsequently gotten “Terminator: Dark Fate.”

    This is why I am, and I urge you all to follow suit, staging a “Closed-Wallet Boycott” on ALL movies coming out of Hollywood, and Disney, and all the “independent” Hollywood studios; yeah “independent.” My ass, they’re independent! Refuse to see any more theatrically released movies, no matter how good they sound, no matter how low a rating they get on Rotten Tomatoes, just stay home!

    “Without respect, we reject” isn’t just a catchphrase, it’s a philosophy! And feeding us little tidbits like Joker and Rambo just to keep from going bankrupt so they can cram more woke shit into theaters for their SJW Taskmasters, doesn’t sound very respectful to me.

    So, until Hollywood sends out a notarized and engraved apology to the movie-viewing public along with a promise that they will never again sink back into the cesspool of Woke Culture ever again, Hollywood can just go bankrupt. They’re already morally there.

  9. really? this jack ass is saying Joaquin Phoenix is a bad actor? really? even if the rest of his article had been a well developed argument as opposed to just calling the movie and the people who like it dumb, this gives away what a shill hack the guy is.

  10. I didn't like all the speculation over what is real and what is made up.  What's the point of watching something when there's no earthly way to figure out what the hell really happened?  Maybe the entire movie was a hallucination by a seven year old chained to a radiator.  I'd give it 5 stars for its artistic value, but only about 3 1/2 stars for how enjoyable it was for me.

  11. "It's dumb, it's dumb, it's dumb" I've heard more articulate arguments from toddlers. Another media shill that can't grasp speculative cinema. 11 nominations – Well deserved and I hope "Joker" wins.

  12. It's because there wasn't a poor disabled trans black woman, so any meaning it might have had for people doesn't count.

  13. I was at a function when some lady tried to steer our conversation about the Joker into hate territory and I didn’t let her. I just talked about how good it was and she got all pissed off

  14. I've not seen the full film yet just clips, but the acting is looks pretty awesome which is what sets this apart; believability of the character
    If you remove any references to Joker or Batman this looks like it would still stand on it's own since I don't think it really mentions batman other than the naming the wealthy family as "wayne" and the clown theme.
    But it doesn't fit the current "narrative" of sympathy or empathy with white males, hence clown man bad.

  15. These SJWs and Media Shills are the death of any form of entertainment. They affect our movies, our video games, our shows, and anything we consume. It’s a honestly embarrassing that people like this, especially ones with such a limited vocabulary, are in charge of writing main stream articles.

  16. Even if the MC's reality isn't Gotham, the movie is set in Gotham. It isn't a comic book movie, though, it is fan fiction. The difference is that comic book/existing canon movies follow the comic books while fan fiction plays with characters or settings taken from comic books (or whatever IP) and alter them to fit a new purpose. Fan fiction isn't meant to be canon or establish a universe, it's merely playing with the IP, in respect (Joker) or disgust (Star Wars). Budget has nothing to do with it.

  17. Joker was a fail of an origin story for the Joker. He's Thomas Wayne's son? SERIOUSLY? Joker and Batman are BROTHERS? This film was garbage. It did NOTHING to show him being the Greatest Criminal Mastermind EVER. Brothers? WEAK and LAME. LAME and WEAK.

    The academy awards are as much as a joke as Joker was to the Batman story.

  18. If u want to do some good how About you start a Real protest get thousands of people together and complain the way the feminist agenda PC assholes do or try boycotting companies that support the feminist agenda which is racist against white men Like me I boycott everything Disney for screwing up Star Wars with their feminist racial propaganda and I try to get as many people to follow me only problem is is I don’t know many people

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