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《声林之王2》 :https://bit.ly/2Hqpp2g
《星光云!RUN新闻》 :https://bit.ly/2TeoiKo
《这就是街舞S2》 :https://bit.ly/2WRAdzK
《这就是原创》 :https://bit.ly/2u0Ptu3
《真相吧! 花花万物》:https://bit.ly/2VpHIte
《声林之王》https://bit.ly/2GNQGNK .

  1. Hey homegirl. I love you playing the piano. I like a check out your selfie. Do you want to get with me I make room for you. I kind of like you a lot. You know, I want to pick up your home girl, Jane I got come to check you out. You speak Cantonese Pretty good. I got see how you speak your English Give me a call. I come check you out.

  2. 刚看到刘德华说他之所以不参加做音乐节目的评判师 是因为他完全分不出 什么key 是什么key。哈哈哈哈。人家说什么来个D key,他是不知道是啥。

  3. 虽然高音很牛逼~但不是什么高音都让人听了舒服好听的…比如邓紫棋的高音听了感觉很烦躁,会心烦,炸耳朵…

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