PS5与XBOX 2:揭示了专利泄漏

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PS5 VS XBOX TWO包含了所有泄漏的信息,包括专利设计以及有关控制器的泄漏,这些泄漏来自索尼的新playstation 5与微软的最新Xbox 2又名Scarlett


感觉像我们在视频游戏世界中不断收到新闻。有一天,您会听到有关PS5的耳语,第二天,Microsoft将展示Scarlett项目。新的游戏机要到2020年假期季节才会发布,但是两家公司都像是一个漏水的水龙头,充满了信息。幸运的是,我们在这里可以解决疯狂问题,并使所有游戏玩家为即将发生的事情做好准备-PS5和Xbox Xbox 2之间的终极战斗。

当我们分解新游戏系统的每一个元素时,我们都有事实,数据和很多乐趣。启动游戏?我们知道‘他们! VR技术-我们为您提供了所有详细信息。向后兼容,我们确切地知道您可以玩什么以及过去几代会留下什么。对云游戏感兴趣?好吧,我们将分解所有内容,包括价格和专有标题。

一些最好的泄密事件直接来自专利局-包括索尼刚刚提交给日本的Japense专利局。新设计使我们可以窥视控制器设计。多年来,已经有很多设计,但是我们将分解每个设计,将事实与虚构分开,并为您提供即将到来的真实细节和期望。微软一直在为Xbox Scarlett申请自己的大量专利-我们将确切细分将来将发布多少种不同版本的控制台。 TheGamer在这里为您提供所有您需要的信息,因为我们进入新的一年,并为PS5和Xbox Xbox 2之间的有史以来最大的主机战做好准备。 。

  1. TheGamer PS5 and it would be cool if they added a mini keyboard with a button on the side so it can go in and out,

    voice record on the system menu,

    and when you push the analog sticks in, it would stay and there would be buttons on the side to release the sticks,

    and if they kept the lights on the PS5 controllers expect we can turn off and on, and if the buttons glow any color off or on,

    WiFi and Bluetooth on remote control to connect to the PS5,

    And a mini screen just like on the TV, if you don’t wanna play on the TV screen “which will be unlikely IDK”,

    And to add your own system menu music “through recording or YouTube or something”

    And that’s pretty much it.

    Hope those are some cool ideasTheGamer PS5 and it would be cool if they added a mini keyboard with a button on the side so it can go in and out,

    voice record on the system menu,

    and when you push the analog sticks in, it would stay and there would be buttons on the side to release the sticks,

    and if they kept the lights on the PS5 controllers expect we can turn off and on, and if the buttons glow any color off or on,

    WiFi and Bluetooth on remote control to connect to the PS5,

    And a mini screen just like on the TV, if you don’t wanna play on the TV screen “which will be unlikely IDK”,

    And to add your own system menu music “through recording or YouTube or something”

    And that’s pretty much it.

    Hope those are some cool ideas

  2. Xbox 2 so I can get fricking mods ps4 you can't get mods and there is so much more games on Xbox right now I have PlayStation 4 but I'm waiting for xbox2 then I will definitely switch if I can

  3. Super excited for the PS5 and its backwards compatibility. Might finally give XBOX a try with the XBOX 2. Better start saving now and then wait for an opportunity ???
    P.S. I for one love the way you guys approach delivering news, like ancient time storytellers, you actually manage to keep my interest so I applaud you

  4. if they won't be offering naative suport for mouse and keyboard as well, i'll stick to my old pc …! me and a couple of million users around the world

  5. I like Sony's PlayStation 5 (PS5) because you can play PS5 games, PS4 games, PS3 games, PS2 games and PS1 games because they are backwards compatible to all of the systems

  6. Well first on 2019 ps4 whens and i dont know of xbox well win for 2020 and then ps6 comes out and how you call the xbox thats coming next year or any year

  7. PS5 is what i will go for and i will stay with Sony all the way… PSC ALL THE WAY…

    ?&✌ To all you gamers out there in the gaming world….
    From San Francisco California USA

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