移至iOS从Android移至新的iPhone 11 iOS 13

移至iOS从Android移至新的iPhone 11 iOS 13

我们还将向您显示该错误的解决方案:“无法与设备通信”,在使用该应用程序时很容易收到此错误,这也怪不得此应用程序在Google Play商店中的评分仅为2.9。


在此更新中,“移至iOS”现在会根据您Android设备上安装的应用,从App Store中提供应用建议


·匹配的付费应用程序已添加到您的App Store愿望清单

•在运行iOS 9.3及更高版本的设备上使用“移至iOS”时受支持





#MoveToIOS #MoveToIPhone#iPhone11。

  1. I have only one sim card which is in my android phone. should I put it in iphone first, then do the transfer? In which one should the sim card to be?

  2. I am trying as you said also i have used this procedure before on my pro max but today i bought another iPhone and nothing is working to connect android to ios plz help

  3. Thank you!! A thousand thank you!! My wife and I have been using Android since 2012, but today she got her first iPhone 11. We were trying to migrate everything over, but after hours of not figuring it out what or why is was not working, then learning that we had to reset the phone to use Move iOS again (and rest again, and again when it still didn't work… and again…), that "could not communicate" issue was completely making me want to throwing her brand new phone into the wall and smash the damn thing! Thanks to your video, and you explaining about selecting the (not so intuitive) iOS network connection thing, we finally got it done. Thank you again!!

  4. You're a handsome guy with informative content in your videos. Love to see more videos soon.
    But is it possible to transfer all content from android to apple devices even if your apple devices is already set up?

  5. I moved exactly the way you said it, but my camera roll was completely mixed up as far as dates. I tried to transfer my photo's/video's with google foto's instead but it didn't work either (it skipped a lot of video's and pictures while transfering) Should i reset my iphone and try again? Can someone please help me?

  6. It was the first suggestion probably because Google unapologetically listens to users of android. I've had it offer search suggestions for pretty random and obscure stuff I've never searched for, but had just been talking about.

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