疯狂的iPhone 12泄漏-亲爱的苹果,您知道吗?

EP 922-疯狂的iPhone 12泄漏-亲爱的苹果,您知道吗?
我们有针对iPhone 12的另一份报告。这次,我们正在研究2020年的6种iPhone 12机型。实际上,其中有六种。

编辑者:Brian Shoop https://gofpt.link/followbrian

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  1. SIR i havnt had anY issues with croping you are mistaking ppl just to rant on apple! maybe ure doing it wrong? Did u rly saved it? Maybe u misclicked haha

  2. Apple : Adds 4th camera, removes port, greatly improves software and adds more features, makes a 2nd iPhone SE
    Apple haters : ApPlE DiDn’t cHaNgE AnYtHiNg

  3. The phones r way too expensive. In addition to that these manufacturers r just coming out with way too many devices. People r becoming confuse bc there's way too many choices. 6 freaking phones in the same yr… why?

  4. Jern you said was your name ? I’m amazed you figured out breathing !! And that you make videos wow. You must have a team of a 100 Jern’s or Jerm’s !! Narration sucked. Trying to be funny and witty : failed. Go home. Do something else. Kill this channel!!!

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