
8.3坐骑!查看补丁8.3中即将发布的26个新8.3坐骑,并于1月14日发布到实时的魔兽世界服务器。 《魔兽世界》的8.3版补丁将恩佐斯对奥丹和永恒之花谷的新攻击引入了新的沙漠,老神和潘达利亚主题的坐骑来配合!

这些是截至2019年12月20日录制该视频时8.3 PTR的坐骑日志中列出的所有新坐骑。

补丁8.3从少数几个来源中有26个新的安装。一些新的8.2坐骑是特定于派系的,因此一个角色将无法收集所有这些坐骑。凶恶白骨兽仅是部落,而凶残白军刀仅是联盟。像恶毒坐骑一样,收集一个会给予你另一个。 Mechagnome和Vulpera种族坐骑也是特定于派系的,但是如果您想同时收集它们,则需要分别将它们解锁。机械联盟的机械战士种族骑乘只能由联盟角色骑乘,而商队的鬣狗V蛇种族骑乘只能由部落骑乘。

8.3中坐骑的主要来源是来自奥丹/永恒之谷的稀有生物(仅当该区域以及该区域的正确部分受到N’zoth的袭击时可用),恐怖的异象,新的声望和您的标准团队副本坐骑,例如神话N’zoth坐骑,Ny’alotha元成就坐骑和Ahead of the Curve N’zoth坐骑。

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  1. Hazel! You're amazing and an inspiration for feminine empowerment everywhere! Thank you for all the WoW videos and information over the years. I really appreciate the info you provide to lazy gamer girls like myself :p I don't know if you're gay but damn girl, plz Merry me?

  2. I have found the alpaca in Uldum twice… It "rummages through your backpack" looking for something to eat… perhaps the leafy greens mentioned for the other alpaca mounts?
    I found it both times near the oasis at the North end of Uldum.

  3. Yey… for working family people, the collecting of all this will be just slow and painful…I have still not collected many from BoA and some raid ones from last exp, since I can't raid due to my working hours. But gratz! You will make the grind last… When I was unemployed and did't need to take care of anyone, I lived in wow. I had time and nothing stopped me.. I came up to 518 mounts but now I will never get anything done. Too many mounts/pets/toys are dropped on me every patch….I am sad:(

  4. Picked up the Elusive Quickhoof last night. Rare spawn alpaca in Vol'dun, feed it some seaside leafy greens (buy this food item from the turtle NPC in Vol'Dun) and you get the mount automatically. Super easy, just gotta be at the right place at the right time with the right food item. The spawn is a limited time as well before it de-spawns.

  5. I've already got my elusive quickhoof – people are so nice about making groups for it… 4 more days and I'll have alpaca #2!

  6. this entire expansion has pushed me away from the game. I don't know if I'm even going to bother with buying the next expansion the game just gets worse and worse from shoddy work to things being rushed out. I have played since the day the game came out and this expansion is by far the worst

  7. Am hoping for some better drop rates, since Mechagon opened I have farmed daily Rustfeather and Harvester on 10 yes 10 level 120's, I did catch a Great Sea Ray on my newly levelled Mage but it sux on the Junkyard Drifter drop rates grrr

  8. I just got my elusive quickhoof – joined a camping group and got him about 20 mins later. it only takes 1 seaside leafy green and he hangs around for 5 or so mins.

  9. Got me a elusive Quickhoof today, the goofy animations are hype. It’s in Vuldun and it’s spawn is about 3-4 hours and only stays up for 10 minutes, you can form a raid group and scout its spawns in voldun.

  10. The Rajani War Serpent is from a rare drop where you get this leash and kill a rare, someone in our guild got it… and won’t stop rubbing it in…

  11. That drake of the four winds looks practically identical to the one that drops from Vortex Pinnacle. They really could have done something more with it

  12. To obtain the Elusive Quickhoof, you must find the Elusive Quickhoof NPC that wanders in Vol'dun, and feed it with Seaside Leafy Greens Mix, a food sold by most food vendors in Battle for Azeroth. The Alpaca stays up for 10 minutes at a time and once found, anyone can feed it to obtain the mount.

  13. Fun fact: That saber 5:18 is the same mount Tyrande had in the night warrior quest line (without the flag) and if you big night elf lore fan this is a perfect mount for Nightelf priestess since they often prefer to use white sabers ( i think they are that rare so only priestesses uses them and also cause they fit their theme too)

    or you can just say i stole Tyrande's saber placed a flag behind it so nobody will suspect me.

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