



#WorldNewsTonight #DavidMuir #presidenttrump #coronavirustesting #testingaccess#covid19#covid19testing #maralago#巴西官员。

  1. ??Chinese communist party doing well in control the coronavirus ,all human in the world should give a big thanks to the greatest leader chairman Xi

  2. For Gods sake. Trump is doing a great job. Yes he not a Democrat but he took this by the head when it was notified while the Democrats were trying to impeach him. Isnt that great. Pathetic Demos dont care about the truth and the American people.

  3. When does Trump take responsibility for anything except his shitty hair ? (oh i bet he blames his wife for that choice )

  4. Trunp-"I can tell you nobody is mure more positive then me! I'm the most pasitive person yolo you will most likely meat EVER meet nobody loves coronas more then me…
    What was that? It's a virus?
    Excuse me watta I meant was no body? Nobody is more negative then I am
    I'm the must negitive person in this plane I mean plan I meand planet i will tell Mexico to stop sending there corona and we will make white American I meant white America great again!

  5. 1918 Spanish Flu first detected in Kansas city USA killed 50 million ppl worldwide including 670,000 Americans.

    Hong Kong flu of 1968 killed 1 million ppl world wide including 100,000 Americans.

    Swine flu of 2009 under Obama. Started in Mexico infected 22 million Americans 4000 Americans died and killed 570,000 worldwide.

    When this is all said and done let's see how this stacks up to the media hype.

  6. Well actually when most of everything we get is manufactured in China and they are dealing with their own problems and have withheld alot of supplies, test kits, etc…. Not his fault at all. He shouldn't have said that we have enough test kits but that doesn't mean he is to blame for the lack of test kits and the problems with that.

  7. U guys deceived if u think trump is the anti Christ. U better get in your bible , trump is the reason us True followers of Jesus even have a lot of freedoms still. He may not be closest to God but God raises Kings and tears them down , if Hillary got president it’s fact woulda been ww3 and he only president that got true Christians praying for him, and Hillary had witches trying to put witchcraft on him y’all better wake up, so y’all rather it be someone who down with lgbtq and down with taking bibles out and demonic witchcraft etc trump is for the Christians even if he ain’t one himself he still defending it. I promise when the anti christ set in so many of y’all gonna be so decieved y’all just follow the crowd, be led not the Holy spirit not by man.(and noo ain’t saying trump the best president but on the God side yes he a wall for us , just like some Kings in bible who lived in sin but defended the followers of God this nothing new (not religion it’s relationship with only true Living God)??‍♂️

  8. While China blames the US military for the virus, Japan is not testing much its citizens to skew numbers to protect the Olympics from not making money,

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