

  1. Self-Driving car manufacturers are absolutely committed to the murder and suicide of American people for profit. The reason people want "self driving" cars is then they don't have to have responsibility for the vehicle, and then they can be TOTALLY GAY! These autonomous cars WILL KILL MANY PEOPLE AND CHILDREN. You will NEVER be able to trust these systems!!!! They are programmed to run over EVERY object of a certain size, no matter what it is!! And it doesn't know what the objects are anyway!! How stupid is that!! "I'm sorry officer I didn't realize I was running over a baby, the car did it when I wasn't controlling it!" Smart huh? And you have to have a death wish, a REAL DEATH WISH, to let a COMPUTER drive you around on public roads!! How much does the consumer know about the self driving car abilities? NONE!! And the manufacturer won't tell you! They just want to sell it to you for thousands of dollars!!! How many stupid fucking people are going to buy these stupid fucking cars, programmed by people who learned how to drive in 3rd world countries, when they don't even know how they work and how well they work under ALL, and I mean ALL, driving conditions???? Would you trust a newborn blind baby to drive your CAR?? Are you really that much of an idiot??? Your 'CAR' will maim, disfigure, and KILL many people including yourself and your passengers in the blink of an eye! And the Government, they have decided to let the manufacturers 'figure it out'… There is NO GOVERNMENT TESTING OR REGULATION OF DRIVER ASSIST OR SELF-DRIVING TECHNOLOGIES!!!! Did you know that? The NHTSA DOES NOT TEST OR REGULATE ANY SELF DRIVING FUNCTIONS OF ANY CAR!! Maybe it's because the DOT secretary is from a 3rd world country? 3RD WORLD NEEDS TO STAY IN 3RD WORLD WHERE THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT HUMAN LIVES.

  2. but what happens to people like me what like to feel in control you can't just stop production of normal cars ha I wonder what the future is going to be like the future for me is walking to where I need to go

  3. Hilarious how everyone here is so accepting of this. Not only is there a freedon issue here but here we have a company who doesn't respect our privacy online now making cars that will pretty much inhibit adventure seekers and more of our privacy will be taken away. The location of these cars will always be know. Trust that….
    The true path to safer roads is driver assist, more safety.features including mandatory breath alyzer to start the car, programs on phone to prevent people from using them in a moving vehicle and stronger drunk driving laws. In fact no driving after any amount of alcohol. I would rather them outlaw alcohol before making my human controlled car illegal.(that's coming next people)

  4. That thing is fugly. Hope they make future versions look better & a 4 door sedan version would be great. Plus doesn't look like it would survive a crash much. A big rig or large SUV or pickup would obliterate this thing in a crash. Yeah, self driving cars would help reduce accidents but there will still be other idiot drivers driving normal non self driving cars for a long time. Self driving is a great idea though. Things just need to catch up with the idea.

  5. Honestly, why even buy a self-driving car? What's the point of owning a car if you aren't gonna drive it? Use public transportation, or call uber, WHICH COSTS LESS THAN DRIVING A CAR!!!

  6. A big question here is what would stop someone from hacking these cars to cause accidents for their own amusement especially when professional hackers are great at working through anti-virus/anti-malware safeguards on computers and servers even over wireless connections? You can't say it won't happen because even the fbi,cia,and nsa gets hacked by experts that are exceptional existing in the everyday civilian world from time to time even though they are supposed to have the best of the best security measures. This is a bad!

  7. Who said we want cars to drive it self ? It another way to take control of our right to drive .
    Nothing is a hundred percent . I prefer to drive my self and will not get in one . If there was a vote on this it would be voted down . We don't need computer take over our life's .

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