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看一下本·亨特(Ben Hunt)的“案例,案例,案例,集群,集群……轰!”!随着covid-19的发展,越来越多的国家正在进入集群后期。




在美国,只有不到2000例已知的covid-19病例。如果模型正确,并且两个月内有* 400万*个案例,将会是什么样?




1)冠状病毒:卫生,个人防护设备和自我隔离Megathread https://www.peakprosperity.com/forum-topic/coronavirus-sanitation-ppe-and-self-quarantine-megathread-for-january-2020/

2)冠状病毒:药物,草药和补品Megathread https://www.peakprosperity.com/forum-topic/coronavirus-medicinals-herbals-and-supplements-megathread-for-january-2020/

3)冠状病毒:家庭准备,餐具室和园艺Megathread https://www.peakprosperity.com/forum-topic/coronavirus-home-prep-deep-pantry-gardening-megathread-for-january-2020/。

  1. Thanks gentlemen for your continued commitment in sharing everything you've shared over the last few weeks. My partner and I found your videos the day we arrived in Frankfurt, Germany 23rd Feb 2020 to the 29th Feb 2020. People were not prepared and the numbers now show. The problem in Malaysia is that our Ministry of Health and government officials (we recently had a coup) and the crap has hit the fan. These parties have been underselling the importance of not gathering in large crowds. The patient contact tracing has been good but the lack of directives from the government has led us to a bad place. We have the Malaysian version of the Trump administration. I'm expecting a few thousand cases to show up very soon. We're still waiting for the government to ensure our mark manufacturers have masks selling at controlled prices this week. We've been searching for the last 9 days for masks. This morning after a quick briefing, I remembered Bobby Mcferrin's 'Don't Worry Be Happy'. Things will get worse before they get better but we choose how to react and behave during this time in history. Thanks again Chris and Adam. The world owes you thanks for everything you've done so far.

  2. What we can do:-
    • Wash hands often for 20-30 seconds with 70% alcohol or soap and very warm water before eating / before touching face / on arriving home / if held or shook someone’s hand / getting into car
    • eat healthy – if unsure have a daily multivitamin, vitamin c, d3, zinc
    • sleep well 6-8hrs and preferably bed 9 or 10pm
    • work on having a calmer disposition – don’t overdo social media or tv as it will hyper inflate stress
    • try reading a real book before bed
    • try daily mediation to relax the mind and body
    • keep up to date on covid-19 but this should only take 15-20mins after which you are feeding the anxiety
    • start to stock up (if you haven’t) on long life food, your meds, disinfectant, bleach, hand sanitizers etc
    • consider if you or your loved ones older age or have underlying chronic diseases – if so make sure to be especially prudent with above.
    • best to avoid larger gatherings of people especially indoors and public transport etc
    • if you are doing these things, after that just try and enjoy life still as a life lived in fear is a life half lived

  3. Honey Badger? Awe that's cute. Anyone remember he was racist to seal border with name that can not be chop sticks mentioned.? One month of flattening curve, Those cruise ships were perfect labs. The fake news no one trusts is to blame for discrediting themselves,

  4. Dr Oz is also an idiot. A month ago he said the flu was much worse and quoted flu statistics. I have listened to your videos everyday since this began, along with Dr John Campbell in the UK and you guys have been spot on with every single minute detail. Most of the morons at the CDC and the WHO should be fired. They are guilty of dereliction of duty on a dramatic scale. I told my Facebook group a month ago that you were a month ahead of the Lamestream media and not to listen to the CDC and the WHO.

  5. Since it's often spread from contact with infected surfaces, why didn't the authorities simply inform us to wear gloves as often as possible for a three week period when out and about? Simple as that the problem is vastly minimized, new cases reduced, spring time arrives, and like any other flu, it minimizes itself. Everyone has a pair of gloves. Sure beats being quarantined by the "authorities" for 14 days in our homes.


  6. Wearing masks is difficult when they're not available. Also wearing gloves brings up other concerns like should you disinfect all your groceries when you get home and how do u do that. Overwhelmed by all of this if you have prepared, social distancing is the only practical thing to do.

  7. There's nothing I'd like more than to stay the fuck home…. but then I lose an income, health insurance and a house. So…..

  8. These videos are so good. I even told my cute little pharmacist in souix city about this channel today.. . So much better than mainstream media is saying.. Doctor Drew is horrible should have sued as he misleading alot of people… N 95 masks on order here…. Nervous here..

  9. In Austria we are now in Wuhan lockdown mode.
    No gatherings, No school, No restaurants, No shops, No going outside..
    Scary but i think its good, better early than too late

  10. Federal Reserve just slashed its benchmark interest rate to near zero on Sunday and said it would buy $700 billion in Treasury and mortgage-backed securities in an aggressive to prevent market collapse.

  11. Martin, my brother and sister in law are both doctors, having their own general clinic in The Netherlands. Now they both fell sick, so I asked them if they tested themselves. Turns out: THEY DON’T HAVE ANY TESTS IN GENERAL CLINICS! NOT ANY! And the GGD, the heath service equal to CDC, REFUSED TO TEST THEM! We are just waiting for a disaster to happen here.

  12. Why do people stock up on toilet paper when this is a respiratory disease? Disinfect your hands and surfaces in your home with dilute bleach. Do not touch your face with your hands, but also cover your hair when going out, hair will catch virus particles and will often fall into your face. Hospital staff cover their hair because it is a source of infection. Hair cannot be sanitized with alcohol or bleach or washed continuously.

  13. have virus symptoms. sore throat runny nose for a few days. Then a little flemmy and congested. Then a sharp strike of fatigue and cough gasping for air for a little while, major flu symptoms. Came on like a light switch. Then came and went a few times like in seconds or minutes. Disorientation too. Some upper chest pains like in lungs I think. Then went away for a little while. Today is second day and I feel run down and sick. A few minor chest pains and some shortness of breath moments. All actual sick feelings came on yesterday so today is the first day of staying home. White male, almost 45, pretty well fit, do a little ju-jitsu. Sometimes have high blood pressure. Long island ny. This thing is and has been out of the bag for a while. I think its more about quarantine for the healthy at this point. Due to my occupation I handle money and come in contact with people. Therefore I separated from my wife and 14 old son and live in sealed sperate part of house counting on getting it. My daughter in college apparently had similar problem over a week ago and chalked it up to the flu. I guess I should get tested to see if it is really corona. I kind of want to minimize exposure because I don't want to give it but if I just have a regular cold then I don't want to get it. keeping hydrated and watching zombie and outbreak movies lol.

  14. Australian Prime Minister
    "He said there was a wide discussion about school closures, but the advice is that it would have a negative impact on tackling COVID-19.

    This is because taking children out of school would expose them to the broader community and at the same time risks disrupting the availability of critical health workers as they look after their children.
    WTF !

  15. The Minister Of Health for The Netherlands weighs 250-300 Lbs.. Clearly being friendly and non offensive, is worth more to them then reality

  16. The World Health Organization estimates that worldwide, annual influenza epidemics result in about 3-5 million cases of severe illness and about 250,000 to 500,000 deaths. [21] In the United States, individual cases of seasonal flu and flu-related deaths in adults are not reportable illnesses; consequently, mortality is estimated by using statistical models. [1]

    The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that flu-associated deaths in the US ranged from about 3000 to 49,000 annually between 1976 and 2006. The CDC notes that the often-cited figure of 36,000 annual flu-related deaths was derived from years when the predominant virus subtype was H3N2, which tends to be more lethal than H1N1.

  17. 2 People were admitted to the hospital i was in this week. 1 Died next day, I don't know about the other one – Nothing in the Media. Nurses had no PPE or a clue. T in the UK

  18. Hello Chris! First of all, thank you so much for all your postings so far on COVID19 – it give me and my family time to prepare for this pandemic. Here is the thing. My sister in law is a frontline physician here in Columbus OH. She has been working tirelessly trying to get the right information out to the public. She has created a Facebook Page for Healthcare Workers. We NEED accurate information about the virus and i can think of no one else but you to supply that knowledge. Could you PLEASE join that page and answer as many questions as possible so that we have the right, timely information for all the healthcare workers here in the US? Thanks you so much!!! Really appreciate you! Here is the name of the page: COVID19 For Healthcare Worker. Please let me know when you join so that we could approve you to be a member. For others: This page is only for Frontline Healthcare workers only. Please refrain from joining if you are not one. Thanks again!!!



    Covid-19 has killed 63.


  21. A SPREADSHEET" If you are interested, here is a spreadsheet of all the infections, mild cases, recovered, critical cases and deaths on a day by day basis since the 14th of February, I couldn't fit the whole spreadsheet in the picture .. make of it as you wish .. some will see one thing, some will see something else .. I live it up to you but I really do think you should see the real numbers and not just a tally. I will refresh it every few days from now onhttps://i0.wp.com/arcascastle.files.wordpress.com/2020/03/coronavirus-numbers.png?ssl=1

  22. Please keep your language clean. I'm loving this info, and sharing it as it makes sense even with my children age 6-11 (like the super cool talks about exponential growth and the adjustment reaction!) but the unnecessary use of bad language – and the worst one of all at that, more than others – is really disappointing and frustrating as it discredits the good information you're putting out there and pollutes my head with words I'd otherwise never hear or say… especially as I'm trying to keep things in my home calm, peaceful and forward thinking even while managing my household and children in the midst of a life changing event. Thanks for considering!

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