Nintendo Switch-您可能不知道的10个技巧与窍门

Nintendo Switch有很多小秘密和技巧,您可能想听听。让我们告诉您如何充分利用这个新控制台!

  1. The year is 2092, GameRanx is a multi-billion dollar corporation; All 2017 employees are dead except for one Andrew. He is now the CEO of the company. All others must bow before him. But everybody refuses to call him anything but Andrew the new guy

  2. Hey guys I put fabric between my console and dock to stop scratches from appearing on a part of the screen you never use. Just so my switch can run 10 degrees higher and destroy the hardware I need instead! Haha I’m so smart… you a joke buddy.

  3. The switch is honestly a piece a crap. A piece of crap with a couple of great games, but still a turd in the end. The joycons are trash, and started not working correctly after three weeks.

  4. You can make your switch look like a snes tho without skins, they sell shells that look like PlayStation, GameCube, she’s, etc. all you need is some basic electrical skills, patience and access to YouTube lol

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