
在关于冠状病毒的第四频道新闻专栏中,我们与致力于Covid-19危机一线的医务人员以及可以回答问题的科学家,经济学家和病毒学专家…冠状病毒:我们做够了吗? (订阅:https://bit.ly/C4_News_Subscribe)


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  1. Love the guy in California!!!! Thank God he knows what tf makes more sense. This British professor is so blind with NO realistic consideration of the impact even with the examples of the other countries that waited too long!! I'm so scared for the UK!!!!!!

  2. I work in NHS. I will tell you now, NHS is not prepared. Its not prepared even before Covid. We dont have supplies. We have nothing. We will eventually become human shields and the government is just accepting that.

  3. Everything that guy from Los Angeles is saying is right!! Can the UK disease experts really be this stupid that they are fine with sacrificing people for the sake of 'herd immunity'… ffs the fact they have the audacity to say that's the only way to stop the epidemic. the only way to stop this is by following south korea and china's lead and SELF ISOLATING!! this is making me so angry that 1000s of people are gonna be sacrificed needlessly, whilst the gov. turn a blind eye and try and convince ppl herd immunity is the best approach. Complete bs

  4. Everyone look out for yourselves and vulnerable people around you.
    We don't need the government to tell us what the plan is, we can make the plan ourselves!

  5. It's also important to have enough PPE for supermarket workers too. If everywhere closes bar pharmacies and food shops, we need protected too. There hasn't been anything said about that. Those that are sick will enter food shops, I believe that will happen. And those workers need PPE too!

  6. This English dude it’s a fucking freak, no, sorry, both of them, playing together against the American in order to make him appear not serious…
    Stay home guys, save yourselves and people you love, and doing that you can save even more people.

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