魔兽世界Noth 8.3语音

来自8.3 Ny’alotha突袭的N’Zoth声音。
黑暗奇幻音乐,黑暗序曲:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = k70NxLgoRdo



音乐来自:Adrian von Ziegler-https://www.youtube.com/user/AdrianvonZiegler。

  1. I didnt really like the voice for Nzoth , I expected something creepier . He's supposed to be the weakest old god but also the sneakiest . However , all the other old gods sound way scarier …

  2. wish they'd done more with this amazing skybox! it hints at the massive scale of the old gods, (y'shaarj left behind the well of eternity as a scar on the planet when he was killed) and we caught a glimpse of how humbling large in-game structures could be with the in-game version of the sword in silithus… and yet the actual fight with n'zoth is so incredibly underwhelming in scale. the rest of the raid, aesthetically – is incredible, the music, the sound, the environment and the painted backgrounds – but they could have taken more time and done something new and interesting with the n'zoth fight.

    barring that, questing in uldum today, i was thinking how neat it would have been if occasionally the storm would part to reveal this or a similar image of n'zoth staring down on the land, maybe even designed so that his largest eye always faced the player (angular movements could be very subtle since this would span a zone, but eventually you'd realize it was following you)

  3. Heres the weird thing. It's all a VISION. He keeps mentioning it, refers to Ny'alotha as a vision of what is to come. His physcal form left the final prison as well. Did we truly defeat him? Lovecraftian beings tend to like to screw with reality.

  4. The Void should be something that players should be able to follow or pursue in the game.
    The Light only sees one way. Example: Illidan in Legions.
    The Void sees countless ways, giving you the choice of choosing. "Your eyes are opened" to the possibilities, now choose.
    N'Zoth, my beloved Corruptor, you better use that damn blade to survive.
    You better not have died to that Goku Spirit Bomb bullshit.

  5. The Creator Nixxiom is so, so stupidly right. This patch was a whole expansion wasted. N'zoth could have been this huge overarching villain, sometimes helping us, sometimes not, and we'd never know which one was which. The Cloak was the only worth grind of this current expansion as well, imagine it for proceeding pieces of gear trying to even step into the final patch zone, that has been available since the beginning but before you couldn't even look at it before getting 1 shot by the madness it would emit? This would have been the COOLEST expansion in WoW's history, and you know why i think they didn't do it? They didn't do it because that would mean either killing Sylvanas now, or giving up on the idea they're clearly trying to drive into our minds. OLD STORY LINES ARE BETTER THAN NEW ONES, CLOSE A CIRCLE PROPERLY LIKE YOU DID WITH LEGION.

  6. The idea of the Old Gods being these immensly powerful eldritch horrors beyond our reality was great but now they are reduced to just blobs with eyes and tentacles to be whacked.

  7. sorry daddy but you were beatin in a shitty cutscene edited: im actually so fucking sad about this.. an old god threat…destroyed so easily my wow spirit is gone lore in this game is dead

  8. Darin DePaul plays such interesting evil characters with this voice. Emperor Valkorion from Star Wars: The Old Republic is another character thats voiced by him and sounds very similar.

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