小戴尔(Dale Jr.)下载:肯尼·华莱士(Kenny Wallace)-“我从来没有对生锈感到过疯狂”

色彩鲜艳,坦率的坐在小戴尔·恩哈特(Dale Earnhardt)和肯尼·华莱士(Kenny Wallace)之间,带您踏上了从密苏里州贫瘠的土地到纳斯卡汽车名人堂的旅程。肯尼(Kenny)对他的兄弟鲁斯蒂(Rusty)敞开大门,从戴尔·恩哈德(Dale Earnhardt)出发,并分享了关于脾气暴躁的纳斯卡(NASCAR)官员的故事。

完整的Dale Jr.下载可在所有主要播客平台上免费获得。 。

  1. Mister Earnhardt I am old enough to be your Crazy Uncle. Thank you for this You Tube Site,, and y our interviews with the Old Schooled, who turned left for a living

  2. In the mid-80's, there were some EXTREMELY talented drivers in ASA. Maybe a few as good as any in NASCAR at the time.
    Mark Martin, Trickle, Kulwiki and more were top notch tip-top oval talents.

  3. My mom used to work at a Square D factory here in good ol Indiana, so he was automatically my childhood hero! I used to get all excited just seein that blue and yellow #81/55 on the tv screen. I wish the best for him regardless, hes just a joy to watch on tv and probably even more in person!

  4. Man, Kenny is so right! If you ever get a little money people think you always had it easy. Like it's impossible for you to grow up broke and make something of yourself. I grew up broke but now at 39, I've got a little something and there's people that I've known for decades saying crap to me like, "but you don't get it". I grew up in a little trailer park in Alabama until I was 21! I've only lived in the nice home I have now for 8 years! What dont I get?!

  5. I can't say I enjoy watching these more than anything else. You guys get people to talk about things, they normally wouldn't talk about. Thank for sharing with all of us.

  6. Grew up with the Gazaways. Joe would fix my cars I wrecked.They introduced me to so many drivers in the 60s and early seventies.Joe was the heavy one and Bill was the tall one.

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