BfA 8.3神话+预测的最佳类别(坦克| DPS |治疗师)新的M +词缀和WOW 8.3更改

魔兽世界8.3版艾泽拉斯之战(BfA)最佳M +类和SPECS预测视频。该视频根据BfA补丁8.3第4季中关于神话+内容的类元数据(坦克|治疗师| DPS)提供了我的预测。


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我还将研究新的M +词缀(“觉醒”)以及8.3版补丁更改对新神话加上季节的影响。


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  1. WoW so enyojable 8.2.5 was, if you are not a rogue or dh you are not good dps. If you are not druid or pala you are not good heal. If you are not monk or warrior tank you are not good tank. So fun

  2. Blizzard never stop that bullshit of enforcing players to play certain specs in order to make progress. Why don’t they just delete the “weak classes” while they’re at it. Nice video though

  3. Yet another M+ Affix that blatantly advantages Alliance due to the stupidly overpowered and over utilised Racial – Night Elf Shadowmeld which gives Rogues, Druids and Hunters another way to drop combat and even non stealth classes like a Protection Warrior.. Explain how this is countered for Horde no racial that is remotely similar and no means in game to get a similar advantage.
    So what you’ll see once more is Alliance exploiting this and Horde players left behind in terms the M+ races

  4. That DPS graph is absurd for a triple A company like Blizzard. They should be ashamed of how wretched class balance is in BfA. They're so focused on how they can steal our money and ignoring that the base game is garbage.

  5. Yust delete other classes, since start of this exspansion outlaw rouge is broken with aoe dmg. And now this, if this show possible no way you can go to m+ group if you are not druid or rouge. Fuck you blizzard

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