
特朗普总统举行了关于COVID-19的新闻发布会。 #福克斯新闻

FOX News运营FOX新闻频道(FNC),FOX商业网络(FBN),FOX新闻广播,FOX新闻头条24/7,FOXNews.com以及直接面向消费者的流媒体服务FOX Nation。 FOX News还在FOX Broadcasting Company和FOX News Edge上制作FOX News Sunday。 FNC是顶级五电缆网络,已连续17年成为该国最受欢迎的新闻频道。根据Brand Keys在2018年的Research Intelligencer研究,FOX News排名全国第二最受信任的电视品牌。此外,萨福克大学/今日美国调查显示福克斯新闻是该国最受信赖的电视新闻或评论来源,而2017盖洛普/奈特基金会的一项调查发现,在可以说出客观新闻来源的美国人中,FOX新闻是引用最多的插座。 FNC在近9000万个家庭中可用,并在有线新闻领域占据主导地位,同时例举该类型的前十名节目。
订阅福克斯新闻! https://bit.ly/2vBUvAS

Bret Baier的特别报道:http://video.foxnews.com/playlist/longform-special-report/
玛莎·麦克卡勒姆(Martha Maccallum)的故事:http://video.foxnews.com/playlist/longform-the-story-with-martha-maccallum/
英格拉姆角(Ingraham Angle):http://video.foxnews.com/playlist/longform-the-ingraham-angle/

  1. Donald Trump is the national emergency , you’ll be lucky to have a job after the stable genius gets done . I called it back in October I pulled my money out of the market told my family to watch the stock market crash and burn . Now just waiting to jump back in . How is your 401 k !

  2. Think this Coronavirus thing is bad?

    Just imagine how much worse it would be if a demoKKKrat was the President.

    Thank goodness President Trump is the President.

  3. Good bye freedom, guns, home, kids, grandkids, money and home, land, and my life. Who's your savior now Trump supporters. Our gov and google great! We can kiss our free asses goodbye! Did you all read what this gives them power to do to US?? It's a book

  4. What an utter dufus. We do not need this selfish man any more. Perhaps we never did? I hate being conned, over and over again.

  5. The fake liberal COVID-19 hoax can't hurt you! You don't need to wash your hands like a sissy snowflake! Keep going out. Keep living life. Don't a liberal hoax keep you away from Trump rallys and MAGA! They're just trying to steal the election with a fake virus. We're smarter than that! MAGA! ??????

  6. PMSL, meanwhile us hardy British carry on regardless. Times like these show just how resilient nations actually are and how full of crap others are.

  7. President Trump is most Responsible for so much problems with ??US Response to Coronavirus. In 2018 President Trump fired the ??US Pandemic Response team in the White House. The NSC Pandemic unit was Created in 2014 by President Obama after the Ebola epidemic their job was to look around the world for disease outbreaks and make sure US Government is ready to respond to it quickly so they can Protect the American people

  8. Corona Virus Cinches Trumps Reelection

    Here's a Fact that is indisputable- There has never been an American President that entered the Presidency with experience at the job. That is not including those reelected. Every President in history that won their first term had zero experience as a President of the United States. Which means President Trump has 4 more years at leading America than anybody else in the running. He knows more about the Corona Virus than any other candidate and will be best suited to continue his service to our country. Replacing Trump in November would be like replacing FDR in World War 2. He was replaced by his VP but not by an 'other party' candidate that had zero experience at the helm. Now is the time to set aside partisan politics and do what is best for the American people. Trump has proved himself with 4 years of improving the economy and safeguarding the people and he will be the best man after the virus attack has gone to seek out the answers on who, what, when, where, why and how this virus succeeded in harming the American people. Do the right thing and vote Trump/Pence in 2020!!!

  9. Reporters are interviewing an extremely stupid man most have experience and degrees he will never have. They have to ask 3rd grade questions to a 3rd grader. Look at him blame others for what he dismantled.

  10. Con-man Donny T! Appalling, blame-shifting Rose Garden news conference; refusing to accept responsibility, then surrounding himself by a cadre of others — corporate executives, government officials — to share the guilt and deflect all criticism. America has a leader who shifts with the winds of the moment, believing that nationalism and isolationism rather than globalism is the prescription to battle a disease that has already shown it respects no boundaries.

  11. Mr. President, please consider this: I would like to suggest that all stores across the State of Washington would allow the elderly (60& over) to be the first shoppers in our stores for the first 4 hours of each business day; This vulnerable generation needs our assistance right now to ensure their safety and survival; so lets give them a Hand Up, not just hand Outs.

    Please pass this along, I've been contacting news & radio stations in Spokane with this idead and hopefully we can make this happen.

    Thanks, God Bless

  12. As of 3-16-2020, COVID-19 has killed about 69 people in the US,
    the regular FLU has already killed over 22,000 according to the CDC – as it does EVERY YEAR.
    DO YOUR RESEARCH PEOPLE – Don't buy into mass media HYSTERIA.

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