8.3版看起来非常好! -魔兽世界:艾泽拉斯之战8.2


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Outlaw Rogue 8.0.1 PvE BFA指南:

Outlaw Rogue 8.0.1 PvP BFA指南:

暗杀流氓8.0.1 PvP BFA指南:


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  1. M+ loot is move to a longer scale. Right now +10 gives you 440 weekly (-5 vs mythic raid loot) and in 8.3 +15 will give same power level. Doing +10 for weekly will give lower power-level gear. And at +15 you aren't doing it with friends or guild your RIO score will be the thing that gets you invited or not in PUGs.

  2. Who the heck said people don’t like islands for AP? A lot of us love the Island expedition system. Don’t bash something just cause some others don’t like it. That bull is why we lose things in game that some may love even if others don’t.

  3. the no new zones in 8.3 really kills me as a HP Lovecraft fan, they could have done so much with a new nya'lotha zone but instead they are WoDing it and just rushing the content so they can move onto the next expansion. It's a shame we will have to spend the rest of our WoW lives wondering what 8.3 couldve been if Blizz didnt rush it

  4. I've been following your content for a while and I can honestly say it has been a pleasure to watch you grow and evolve as a content creator. I thoroughly enjoy your content. Well done, sir.

  5. Classes to play next patch for pve

    1. Fury warrior
    2. Havoc DH
    3. assassin rogue
    4. Ret paladins
    5. frost DK
    6. mage
    8. shadow priest
    9. holy paladin
    10. either priest healing spec
    11. brewmaster monk
    12. blood DK

    Classes to avoid.

    MM hunter
    Survival hunter (best spec but shit compared to the rest of melee so BM)
    arms warrior
    monks in general
    Ehance/restro shaman
    prot warrior
    prot paladin
    vengence DH
    mist-weaver monks

    Any spec I didn't mention is middle of the pack.

    There, saved you time.

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