
索尼透露了有关PlayStation 5的新官方细节,这让我们感到惊讶。让我们分解一下!

  1. I think they should wait a couple more years to come up with a new Playstation system. In just right now fix their Network that has been completely screwed up since December 2019.

  2. Might not be Holiday 2020 anymore. The corona virus outbreak, and the subsequent manufacturing plant shutdowns and mass quarantine measures in China, might has serious consequences for Sony’s launch plans. Same for Xbox Series X.

  3. Ur voice is annoying. Anyway you got it all wrong and backwards, you said the DS5 controller is gonna be lighter than the ds4 controller and heavier than the xbox series x controller..not true its actually gonna be heavier than the ds4 and lighter than an xbox one controller… so there i corrected u. U need some work on these videos bud. Stop clickbaiting for views im sure your subscribers would appreciate it

  4. i.m looking forward to that systems that can do backwards like ps 4 ps3 ps2 and ps1 i have all of those classic games because my ps2 is not working anymore and my ps3 is too not working. i.m saving lots of money. i.ll vote for YES for ps5 . go for it ps5.

  5. Xbox beats playstation consoles play more older games then playstation that wont play ps3 games on ps5 so that's a waste just like ps 4 it sucks

  6. From what is know (so far) The PS5 could "Easily" be Backwards Compatible with PS1, PS2, P4, PSVR and PSVita (via crossplay) — But it will be the PS3 that will prevent it from archiving the "Fully Backwards Compatibility" Sticker. (At launch).

    However they could make the PS5 –PS3 compatible post launch with a firmware update/emulation. ( much like Microsoft did with the Xbox One)

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